Coca-Cola Introduces Smaller Bottles to Help Fight Climate Change – IOTW Report

Coca-Cola Introduces Smaller Bottles to Help Fight Climate Change

WJ: Coca-Cola, the world’s most iconic soda company, says it is rolling out smaller bottles in an attempt to help save the environment. The company also said plans to take more extreme measures are in the works.

The smaller, recycled bottles will be rolled out this month in California, Florida and some states in the Northeast.

The new eco-conscious design was announced in a Feb. 9 release from the Atlanta-based beverage giant, ostensibly as a way to combat greenhouse gas emissions that are seen as a major driver of climate change. more

52 Comments on Coca-Cola Introduces Smaller Bottles to Help Fight Climate Change

  1. I’m thinking the only way this would work is if they quit offering the larger bottles so the consumers have no choice but to buy the smaller ones if they want to buy Coke instead of something else.

  2. I’m sure it makes their profit margin goes up or they wouldn’t do it. Just like diet soda costs less to produce than regular. Cargil and ADM lobbied congress to put a tariff on sugar, to make high-fructose corn syrup the cheaper alternative.

  3. Wasn’t that the coca cola scam when they downsized from the 24 oz 6 pack bottles to the 16.9 oz bottle six packs?!?!?
    They claimed research showed customers wanted a small bottles, hence the 16.9 oz LMAO!

    How long before coke is served is 4 oz bottles like alcohol on a plane LOL

  4. Bless their hearts. Be careful, though, the tree huggers fought warming so effectively that I’m sitting in the cotton patch in Tx. and it looks like a fucking Christmas card scene outside. Giant snowflakes, rolling blackouts. Quit fucking with the climate Greta!

  5. Carbonated drinks release CO2 into the atmosphere, a “known” greenhouse gas. If Coca Cola REALLY wanted to help the environment instead of making a profit, they would cease doing business altogether. Shut down all their plants, take all their delivery trucks off the road, stop buying high fructose corn syrup (corn depletes the soil, doncha know). Cola nut production is bad for the rain forest (or something). The world would be a much better place without Coca Cola.

  6. Not a soda drinker, any kind. But, if I borrow a sip or two from my daughter, all I taste is salt. Salt.
    Between the salt and the caffeine, is sugar. ugh.
    The more you drink this stuff, the more you want to drink.
    Change to water.

  7. What a fortuitous coincidence!

    I just happen to be rolling out my soda consumption reduction plan. I will be reducing my consumption from 0 to -1.

    Good luck with those SJW bottles, morons.

  8. I drink a lot of pop. All brands, depends what is on sale. These smaller sizes won’t really work unless they get rid of the 20 oz ones. Retailers have only so much display space in the coolers at the registers. They can’t put everything in them, so they will go with the ones that bring in the most cash (not necessarily profit). Coke already makes a 16 oz can, but you don’t see it very many places. 12 oz cans are the norm, so that is what people buy. Those wanting more than 12 oz get the 20 oz bottle. No way will they pay extra to get a bottle with only 1.5 more oz than a can, so they will stay with the can. I don’t think these will be around long, unless they (and the other bottlers) get rid of the 20 oz bottle, too. Some still want the convenience of a bottle (it’s re-closable) but won’t pay a lot more for it.

  9. If Coca-Cola was truly concerned about climate change they would go back to the delivery model they had 60 years ago, re-usable bottles.

    Upper management at Coca-Cola has had a lot of nut-jobs in the past few decades.

  10. Should be sold STILL and not SPARKLING as that stuff is the cause of global warming. Except Texas they should be drinking all the not frozen Dr Pepper they can get their hands on.

  11. They changed the formula about 2 years ago. It’s watered down, and they reduced the nutmeg flavoring. I called them on it. They actually answered it and some low level asshole said no, it’s been the same, never changed.
    I said,
    1) I know what I taste.
    2) Yes, you have changed it, remember ‘New Coke’?
    and, where is it NOW? lol

  12. Why is Coca Cola so anti-science? It is a well-known principal that the smaller the container the greater it’s surface area in proportion to it’s volume. In other words, a smaller container uses more plastic per ounce of product than a larger one. But the ignorant masses will applaud Coke for being so “Green”.

  13. Of all the bad habits I have, drinking soda isn’t one of them – I do occasionally drink ginger ale though. So have at Coca-Cola, drive your customers to a lower price competitor beverage.

    Speaking of soda/pop. Soda is a predominately midwestern term, while pop is used mainly in the north. efemdy, would you happen to hail from the north?

  14. stirrin the pot,
    From Michigan originally. I have found pop is used by people from around the great lakes more often than other areas. Most use soda, except when I lived in Texas. Then it was,
    “Want a Coke?
    Yeh, I’ll have one.
    What kind?
    Make it a Pepsi.”

  15. coke changed the formula in the early seventies maybe the late sixties.
    it used to burn the back of your throat when you drank it.

    all my friends stopped drinking soda because of it.
    they all switched to beer.

  16. Do you guys still have Mello Yello down there or do you have to make it yourselves with a septic tank?

    Sorry, but OMG is that one of the worst things like Mountain Dew Code Red.

  17. Tony R,
    I was thinking the same. Not as mathematically minded to get into the weeds and numbers, but it also seems to me that you use more surface (bottle) per ounce (volume) for a smaller amount of liquid, then you do for a larger amount of liquid.

    Anyone able to work up some numbers, that can be spread around to poke holes in these EnviroNazi Greeniac Watermelons?
    Let’s see…………..
    Volume of a sphere (make it simple) of liquid of “x” ounces.
    Surface area of the same sphere of liquid.
    “Y” surface area per “x” ounces of liquid.

    Look right? I’m open to suggestions & corrections.

  18. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist :

    Since most containers are cylindrical, and the volume of a cylinder is the area of the circular cross-section x length, it is easier to consider The relationship between a circles area and it’s circumference is:
    C² = 4πA

  19. I’m surprised that Coca-Cola hasn’t been forced to change the shape of its bottles, which, If I read it right, was modeled after the shape of some buxom ladies of the late 19th century – an extreme hourglass shape from pinching in their middles with whalebone…something like that.

    SEXISM, I say, SEXISM.

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