‘Cocaine Mitch’ Says He’s Not Responsible for America’s Managed Decline  – IOTW Report

‘Cocaine Mitch’ Says He’s Not Responsible for America’s Managed Decline 

Breitbart: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) displaced blame on Saturday for the nation’s managed decline under his long tenure in the Senate.

Many economic nationalists believe McConnell, the longest-serving Senate party leader in American history, has managed the nation’s decline while elites profited.

McConnell apparently disagrees. He suggested at the annual Reagan National Defense Forum that MAGA is responsible for the managed decline, even though the movement is only eight years old. McConnell has been in power since 1985. more

13 Comments on ‘Cocaine Mitch’ Says He’s Not Responsible for America’s Managed Decline 

  1. He might not be solely responsible, but he, and all the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in DC contributed to the effort. Hey it’s easy money, everyone is doing it. And it beats the hell out of those pictures and videos coming out.

  2. It’s really quite simple. At the time he was doing it, Mitch didn’t regard the effects of his mismanagement as elements of decline. It’s only after the fact when he’s got an ideological enemy to slime, that he will even talk about an American decline because now it must be … Trump’s Fault.

  3. Really? Post Turtle Mitch isn’t responsible for America’s decline? While all this time he’s been in power one way or another?
    Then I demand a refund of 90% of his pay and allowances for all those years (I’m leaving him 10% for basic living expenses) and 100% of all his other monies received (gifts, bribes, kickbacks_etc).
    If you don’t want to accept the responsibility, then don’t expect to receive the pay.

  4. The old gobbler is under the influence of tryptophan from sniffing his own farts. We’ll all be grateful when he’s gone. I would imagine McCain will be on the welcoming committee when he arrives in Hades.

  5. “… longest-serving Senate party leader in American history …”

    “Serving” what, exactly? He sure as Hell never “served” America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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