Cocaine Mitch’s Wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, says she resigns because she’s traumatized – IOTW Report

Cocaine Mitch’s Wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, says she resigns because she’s traumatized

Liar. She HAD to leave because Biden gave her job to Pete Bootycheeks.

20 Comments on Cocaine Mitch’s Wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, says she resigns because she’s traumatized

  1. Send her back to china and the ccp along with the Necrosis Mitch.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually a ccp spy who’s life long assignment was to infiltrate the US government via Mitch

  2. Mitch must be defeated. They have enriched themselves massively. Her family is a shipping magnate and has cush deals with China. Yet it is OK for her to be a Transportation Sec and her husband the most powerful Senator.

  3. I wake up 6 days a week. Put on my boots and go to work where I earn my pay and relinquish my taxes. I do more for this damn government than they do for me. My neighbor has been swimming in free money for as long as I’ve known him and I don’t get shit. And she’s quitting her job where her severance package just sucks more out of me. And now it’s being reported that I and people like me are tyrannical criminals because we pinned our hopes on one man the establishment disapproved of. Kiss my ass!

  4. I have changed my opinion of the hecklers who accosted the purple turtle and his wife at that restaurant in 2018. Well done, hecklers. Especially the guy who took their doggy bag. Also, I now fully endorse harassing politicians dining out.

  5. And the Oscar goes to…
    Remember that Antifa/BLM graffiti a week or so ago on McConnell and Pelosi’s homes that was oddly meticulously only on the garage door, not on the brick and just on his front door. As if they don’t have security too. That bothered me, talk about a false flag. Sure seems suspicious they did that ahead of yesterday. Like maybe if shit hit the fan and Trump supporters didn’t take the bait they’d be able to point out they were victims too.

  6. I think she got a whiff of the hell that is getting ready to rain down on everything china related in our govt and she knows who has been buttering her and mitch’s bread. She is figuring to get while the getting is good.
    Bet she takes a little vacaca to see her chinese family.

  7. These losers who are throwing Teump under the bus with their resignations are staying in DC and want new jobs which the swamp won’t give them if they say anything nice about Teump.
    Back stabbing jerks.

    Tonight Chris Salcedo had 2 Rinos on who were making the same old swampy, elitist comments. He (very nicely) told them the Democrats are now socialists and Republicans are right where they’ve always liked being. In the minority where they can whine and complain and not having to make any real decisions.

  8. Starfish dude if you are one of us you need to stop, we are sick of your shit and you must smell like shit, so Fuck Off.
    This is a serious blog, and yes we like humor but yours is just gross and way out of line.
    Thousands that we do not see read this site everyday and all you bring is your butt hole, and it ain’t all it is cracked up to be.


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