“CocaineGate” is an UNSOLVED MYSTERY! – IOTW Report

“CocaineGate” is an UNSOLVED MYSTERY!

29 Comments on “CocaineGate” is an UNSOLVED MYSTERY!

  1. Oh bullshit, the Secret Circus validated what anybody with a lock of sense already assumed when they made the ludicrous claims about not being able to identify who it belonged to.

  2. for Christ’s sake, hunter was sweating like a glass blowers ass watching fireworks with The Big Guy and his kids on Independence Day. They knew he was slammed, if he hadn’t been they’d have called 911 given his condition.

  3. if that coke didn’t belong to humper than who the hell did it really belong to. All roads lead to it being humpers coke, hands down and everyone who has an ounce of brains knows it. I hate the bidens, sooner or later the shits gonna hit the fan and expose them as total frauds and phonies for everyone to see and hopefully it won’t be pretty.

  4. @geoff the aardvark:

    if that coke didn’t belong to humper than who the hell did it really belong to.

    Not that it makes any real difference, it might be that the coke didn’t belong to humper yet, and the handoff from humpers White Hut dealer just hadn’t happened before the goodies were discovered.

  5. Andrew’s good, but I don’t need to sit thru 15 minutes of commentary to know who’s responsible for the coke! It belongs to the filthiest collection of disgusting, despicable, depraved, dishonorable, debauched degenerates ever to inhabit the White House!

  6. “… the filthiest collection of disgusting, despicable, depraved, dishonorable, debauched degenerates ever to inhabit the White House!”

    I resent that!

  7. I tell my kids that when they don’t own up that their siblings reputation is in question. That if they lie and their version is accepted the implication must be that their sibling is a lair. That brings out the best in the little scoundrels and I generally get a confession out of the guilty party. When it doesn’t, I am able to identify the guilty party just by watching their facial expressions.

    In the case of individuals like the Bidens, this would never work. The filthy reprobates are without conscience.

    Where I’m going with this is that the SS has a moral obligation to track down and identify the responsible party. Unless and until they do there is a cloud of suspicion hanging over everyone who was in the West Wing. Unfortunately the time when federal agents were motivated by personal honor appears to be behind us.

    That being said, the likelihood hood it was anyone other than Hunter shrinks to insignificance.

  8. ^^^^ Joe Biden”s been morally bankrupt from birth. I mean for Christ sake the guy used the untimely death of his first wife for political gain. It goes down hill from there. And unfortunately it’s genetic. Odds are that was Hunter’s blow. But even if it didn’t belong to him, it belonged to someone in his inner circle. Who they, and the DOJ, consider not subject to the rule of law or God.
    They will burn in hell.

  9. Here’s an interesting scenario. What if a conservative planted hoping Hunter would find it and start using again? Not likely, but interesting to think about.

  10. “… the filthiest collection of disgusting, despicable, depraved, dishonorable, debauched degenerates ever to inhabit the White House!”

    Ha! Hold my Cutty Sark while I whip out ol’ Jumbo!

  11. The SECRET SHITHEADS don’t want this to be resolved anymore
    than the FBI nor the DOJ nor any other law enforcement entity.
    The whole point is to cover up the wanton criminal activity
    of the BIDEN family

  12. Oh yeah, Hunter’s leaving bags of cocaine with no finger prints or DNA & I was born yesterday. If this is all you pussies got you got a nuthin burder. But butt this ‘ll save our Supreme Leader.
    No puddin head no it won’t. Head con man goes back to court on Tuesday. Please please your honor keep my sorry ass outta prison.

  13. Sure, why not Trump is Kim Un Jongs best friend. Herp derp?
    Poor Putin is losing what ever is “left” of his herp derp ever loving mind, one cluster fuk bomb at a time. Just wait till the F-16s kick in. Donny will save you in his underground bunker.

  14. So the White House Security sucks?
    Do the men and women that work there have any pride in their work?

    They know who left it. We know that they know who left the coke there.


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