Coincidental and Happenstance, George Bush and Barack Obama Schedule Conferences on Disinformation and Democracy to Follow U.S. Midterm Election – IOTW Report

Coincidental and Happenstance, George Bush and Barack Obama Schedule Conferences on Disinformation and Democracy to Follow U.S. Midterm Election

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6 Comments on Coincidental and Happenstance, George Bush and Barack Obama Schedule Conferences on Disinformation and Democracy to Follow U.S. Midterm Election

  1. Start telling a new story for the sheep.
    ABC special tonight “Breaking With the President: The Mike Pence Interview — David Muir Reporting”
    All of AMERICA’s traitors coming together.

  2. When are we going to STOP repeating commie words for LIES?

    “Disinformation” has replaced the “F” word, as a curse word. And so many others.

    Changing the language; control. ‘Politically correct” is control.

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