Daily Caller: A guest on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday suggested that some women don’t believe sexual harassment claims because they are used to much worse treatment.
Veteran journalist Cokie Roberts said, “One of the things to keep in mind is, in the base, even women are suspicious about these sexual harassment claims.”
She continued, “And part of the reason for that is that women who are not in fancy white collar jobs often have really awful things happen to them on the job. They are assaulted. They are raped. They have horrible things happen to them. And so when they hear women say, ‘he talked dirty to me,’ or ‘he came on to me,’ they think, ‘big deal. That’s not what happened to me. What happened to me is so much worse.’ And so there’s not that same sense of affinity.” watch the idiotess here
SNIP: OK, let’s play her game. Cokie just explained how Bill Clinton got elected. Twice. Low-class Democrat women. Right, Cokes?
What a pompous bimbo!
Yet what class of women are screaming to the rafters right now? After having let themselves be bought off, for decades? Cokie’s class of women. Media personalities…do you get any more white collar than that?
Cokie and Barbara Walters care more about their industry, than they do about people. They’re political whores, and they’re filthy and disgusting.
What a convoluted, backwards argument.
If anything, women who had experienced such things would be MORE likely to believe they happened to other women.
This is part of a plot to drive right wing humor sites out of business, right? Who can compete with Cokie?
I think she read Bernie’s rape fantasy book & she’s confused Berns victims… I mean girlfriends, with the rest of society.
Spoken like a TRUE LEFTIST!
Cokie you ignorant slut.
Fucking cunt.
She is old and senile. Mess with a “lower class” woman and you better hope she calls the police before her family finds out.
Meanwhile, the HuffPOS says that Franken’s victim was ‘asking for it.’
And they wonder why women don’t report abuse…
She dreams of gang rape by a basket of Deplorables
For such an elitist, Cokie sure does sound like that hick Todd Akin.
Wow ! They really don’t those that crossed the aisle and voted Trump back … ever.
And all those interns working at the White House, Congressional offices, or for powerful Hollywood executives, they excUse their white collar abuse for what reason exactly?
Probably because most of them are just happy they don’t wind up dead!
If she wants to be an elitist, she needs to keep her mouth shut. Her statements is a logical fallacy which shows she ain’t got too much edumacation. The fallacy is called hasty generalization. it assumes a cause, and assumes an effect with little or no empirical evidence of any kind.
What an asshat. Most of the women claiming harassment from hollywood and DC bigwigs are professional women yet never complained until years later.
Sadly, Cokie sheds a bit of light into her world and the people around her.
Cokie is a lower class woman.
I wish Cokehead could explain to me how many millions of women are used to getting raped (and who is doing all that raping)?
The base stupidity of her thinking this much less saying it out loud on television is mind boggling.
I love PDQ Bach. ☺️
Over on American Thinker they have article about Cokie Roberts saying in essence, everyone KNEW not to get into an elevator with John Conyers (if you’re a woman journalist). What journalistic integrity; if EVERYONE KNEW Cokie, why didn’t you blow the whistle on the asshole??
I knew there was a reason why I thought she died years ago!