Colbert Show producers arrested by US Capitol Police, charged with unlawful entry – IOTW Report

Colbert Show producers arrested by US Capitol Police, charged with unlawful entry

PM: Nine of Stephen Colbert’s staffers were arrested by Capitol Police on Thursday night after allegedly illegally entering a building where US House of Representatives work. They were subsequently charged with illegal entry to House office buildings after hours. more

7 Comments on Colbert Show producers arrested by US Capitol Police, charged with unlawful entry

  1. And these idiots were wandering the halls of a congressional building after hours and the only way to run them off was to CALL the capitol police? WTF? Is there no fancy surveillance system in place to catch this problem early to prevent another “Insurrection”. Or were they just allowed by those in charge of security to harass members of congress with “R’s” after their names?


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