Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Healthy People? – IOTW Report

Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Healthy People?

The Salty Cracker has the details.
[spicy language]
Article here —>

5 Comments on Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Healthy People?

  1. I would sau that they think we’re stupid, but they don’t care if we’re geniuses or cretins, as long as we are powerless to fo anything beyond laughing at their cartoonish bullshit.

  2. “…yet, it is shocking how the incidence of heart attacks in healthy people has skyrocketed in the past few years, especially since the coronavirus pandemic kicked off.”
    Yeah, but it’s totally the cold showers, not some other jabby reason.
    I have taken a lot of cold showers this year, for the health reasons associated with them, 53 degree tap water. And I did a couple dozen cold plunges of several minutes in an iced-over creek. It’s a great experience, and beneficial. And not dangerous, like, say, getting the jab.

  3. Also from the article:
    “When taken prudently, cold showers can do more good than harm. An extensive study on the benefits of cold showers revealed that people who took them for 30 to 90 seconds a day were 29 per cent less likely to take time off from work due to sickness as this habit can strengthen the immune system.”
    So they pretty much state that it isn’t the cold showers.

  4. “Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Healthy People?”

    No. This article states there might be a problem for people with heart disease.

    Much to do about nothing. Ask a Finn.


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