Collapse in Brand Image for Nike Following – IOTW Report

Collapse in Brand Image for Nike Following

CTH: Never before in the history of corporate branding decisions has a multi-billion dollar company had such a massive and swift drop of brand image as Nike.  The results from Morning Consult Intelligence, a firm that specializes in monitoring and measuring the brand image and reputation for thousands of major companies, reflects a massive drop in brand image across every single demographic.

We suspected there would be a diminishment of brand image, but nothing like the scale discovered within the polled data:

The report features over 8,000 interviews conducted among American adults, including 1,694 interviews pre-campaign launch (8/26/18 – 9/3/18) and 5,481 interviews post-campaign launch (9/4/18 – 9/5/18). Additionally, Morning Consult conducted a study among 1,168 adults in the U.S. about Nike’s ad and the decision to choose Kaepernick as the face of the campaign.

  • Nike’s Favorability Drops by Double Digits: Before the announcement, Nike had a net +69 favorable impression among consumers, it has now declined 34 points to +35 favorable.  GO SEE

27 Comments on Collapse in Brand Image for Nike Following

  1. I saw a lot of people wearing Seahawks jerseys on the way to work today, but nothing like a couple years ago.

    I haven’t been to a major league sporting event other than PBR in Seattle in fifteen years or more, so I don’t know what goes on at them.

    I attend winged sprint car races on clay ovals, Indian relay and follow the rodeo circuit starting in August. If anyone wanted to pull the type of disrespectful crap that this assclown did at any of these events it would not end well.

    P.S. Indians love to paint their horses. A lot of Native Americans are military veterans. A lot of the Indian relays are run on reservations and a common theme among the teams is an American flag painted on the rump of one of the team’s horses.

  2. yup, they believed in something and sacrificed everything. The people that created this were incredibly obtuse. I knew that their shares would tank dramatically the day they announced this. I wish i knew how to short stocks. A friend made a killing

  3. Nike is at the top of my shit list for the week and likely to stay there for a while. Let them take their company headquarters out of Seattle and move it to whatever Asian shithole they make their products in. Hell will freeze over 30′ deep before any true American will buy any of their products. Nike really crapped in their mess kits this time.

  4. I was talking to my son this morning and he’s totally given up on the NFL as well as Nike since Crapperdink became Nike’s spokesman. Anyone want to buy some or any used Nike merchandise, for sale real cheap, hell we might even let you steal it. It’s time for baseball playoffs, almost time for hockey and no time for the NFL anymore. They sure as hell know how to kill the golden goose, good luck with nothing Nike and NFL. You screwed the pooch bigtime or a beaver if you’re from Nike country.

  5. In actuality, Kaepernick could have gone to the CFL and had gotten a new start. That version of football was made for him; he would have torn the league up and made MVP. There are several black QBs who were great option QBs in college who tore up the CFL — JC Watts, Damon Allen, Chuck Ealey, Conredge Holloway (1st black QB in the SEC)

    And in the end, he would have made the same amount of $ as a backup NFL QB. So he didn’t sacrifice shit to pursue his fantasy as a civil rights hero

  6. Idea for their next ad campaign.

    “Hate America?
    Nike! It’s the shoe fo you!”

    (video of a bunch of “colored” guys beating a white guy to death with hammers and kicks (wearing Nikes, of course) while screaming “Kill Whitey!” and the cops cowering behind their cruiser shaking their heads – an American flag lying in the mud and blood)

    Just send me a check for $Couple of Million … you’re welcome …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Slavemaster found his slave. Remember, the Ravens were going to sign him but his bigmouth, racist girlfriend called him a slave owner?

    Colluding not to hire him no doubt.

    This is opposite of what is going on with Tesla. Musk is acting crazy to drive the stock price down to get a deal on taking it private.

  8. @Different Tim – I’ve been there installing equipment. The students are respectful and friendly. I didn’t see any blue-haired half head-shaved dykes or tight jeaned soy-boys. It was a breath of fresh air.

  9. I get my new New Balance tomorrow!
    This decision by Nike brings to mind once again the article on Breitbart where Orson Bean talked about young people graduating from college after having been brainwashed by marxist professors and then being the ones making marketing decisions at these companies.

  10. If you like, you can get great deals at Joes Newbalance Outlet .com

    I actually loved wearing Nike, they fit me perfect. But I also have 3 NB pairs I bought online, made in America. And I git great deals.

  11. The upper management types and the advertising agency people they deal with exist in a totally insulated, cloistered, cultural left bubble,especially one centered in a super blue urban center.

    They believe that progressive activism is a great image for them and get absolutely no negative or opposing common sense input about these kind of decisions.

  12. When buying your New Balance shoes order them on the large/wide size. They tend to run a bit small. I’m normally 10- 10 1/2. Had to get 11’s and 11 1/2 would’ve been better.


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