College children throw trays, block lines over cafeteria change – IOTW Report

College children throw trays, block lines over cafeteria change

American Mirror: University of Wisconsin-Madison students threw a tantrum Tuesday over a new meal plan announced for freshmen next year, throwing trays as they chanted and blocked customers from Gordon Dining Hall.

“We’re here to get an education and we have people having to take out 2 to 3 jobs, 3 to 4 loans just to pay for meals, just to pay for housing and that’s not okay,” freshman Chelsea Hylton told WKOW.

Some students scrawled protest slogans like “I can’t eat!” on the food trays and pranced them around the dining hall, while others tossed the trays into a heap as they bickered with classmates who seemed to think the melee was sour grapes.

“The enemy is not in this building,” one student opposed to the protest shouted. “The enemy is not the employees who will have to clean up all these trays.”

Ironically, the collective fit followed just days after UW-Madison announced it will grant free tuition for incoming freshmen from Wisconsin families making $56,000 a year or less, according to Inside Higher Ed.

The protest, planned last week, was the students’ reaction to learning that incoming freshmen who live on campus will be required to purchase a meal plan next school year, with the minimal plan costing about $1,400, Channel 3000 reports.  MORE

16 Comments on College children throw trays, block lines over cafeteria change

  1. >>Some students scrawled protest slogans like “I can’t eat!”…

    Sounds like a black thing to me.

    Which reminds me of the epic UN riot of 2003…

    “The decision to make the cafeterias into “no pay zones” spread through the 40-acre complex like wildfire. Soon, the hungry patrons came running. “It was chaos, wild, something out of a war scene,” said one Aramark executive who was present. “They took everything, even the silverware,” she said…”

    I just love the third world.,8599,449436,00.html

  2. $1400.00 for dorm food?….We had some sort of ham based concoction for weeks at a time…breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I cooked at a crappy mexican restaurant just so I could not eat ham….

  3. Let’s do the math, something College kids are expected to do….4months of college, 3 meals a day = 360meals. $1,400 meal plan works out to $3.88 per meal and they are screaming about the cost!!!

  4. 🔥 BTW…. 🔥

    STEER-CLEAR of Madison, Wisconsin at ALL COSTS. My relatives lived there for many years, but they are gone now, and no reason to go back.

    It is known as The Communist Capitol of the Midwest. It is an insane asylum surrounded by reality.

    Like Sodom and Gomorrah, leave that place (or don’t ever go) and don’t look back. It has the same self-hating suicidal fools as Paris and London, it’s just a matter of time before they arrest you for a tweet, and watch their city crumble under 3rd worldism.

    Don’t drive through it, invest in it, have your kids to to college there, or live anywhere near there. You’ve been warned.

  5. I love reading these types of articles where the students allow themselves to be quoted over the stupidest rabble rousing crap. It’s like they don’t realize the internet is forever and whenever they apply for a job a google search is done on their names. Nobody, not even Starbucks will hire a shit disturber.

  6. Me in college:

    Living in a 9×9 sleeping room with a half bathroom attached, paid own rent at $200/mo in mid-’80s
    Twin bed
    Homemade crude desk.
    Chair from garage sale
    Easy chair from friends
    Small coffee table in corner
    Small book case
    13″ TV
    286 computer with monochrome monitor and DOS 3.0
    Small fridge
    Hot plate
    Small pot
    Camping dining utensils
    Box of Top Raman, beans, and Rice
    Frozen vegetables bought in last two days.
    Protein acquired at bussing job three days per week
    Bicycle for commuting 7 miles to and from school and job
    Enough clothes for a week, work clothes, and shoes

    Quit your fucking whining you little millennial shits.

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