College Football Fans Chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ at Multiple Games across America – IOTW Report

College Football Fans Chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ at Multiple Games across America

Neon Nettle-
College football fans across America voiced their feelings about Joe Biden over the weekend.

In a number of videos posted on Twitter by Old Row Sports, fans chanted “F**k Joe Biden.”

During four major matchups, including two SEC games, fans began chanting.


47 Comments on College Football Fans Chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ at Multiple Games across America

  1. I posted before proof reading.

    Well then, I assume when you take your grade-school aged kids (or grand kids) to a college football game and that chant breaks out, you will encourage them to chime right in.

  2. I have my doubts if Joe Biden understands the deeper reason behind their message. Most likely because he thinks anything goes if you can get away with it and the sheep will just fall into place like good little sheep have been known to do. But here’s a safety tip Joe: Many of those sheep are angry wolves in sheep clothing.

  3. If it had been reversed and the crowds we’re chanting this about Trump, the media would have run these videos with glee.

    Stirrin, I get what your saying with young kiddos in the crowd, but when dealing with the left, sometimes we need to give them a little taste of their own medicine. 😆

    Stirring I get what

  4. @stirrin, I completely agree about the language, but apparently this is how the young people talk now. At least they have the profanity directed in the correct direction.

  5. Okay then, let’s just raise the white flag and teach our eight-year olds that it’s okay to say say FUCK Biden…as long as we’re fucking the right object.

    What a sad FUCKING commentary.

  6. How about…


  7. Teach your kids while you can, the left is not something you worship it’s something you turn against. Kids by the age of three know how to speak nasty words, why pretend that they don’t.

  8. @Leslie

    Just because,”Kids by the age of three know how to speak nasty words” doesn’t mean they should. They know how to take a dump on the kitchen floor, kick the dog, and take steal money out of mommy’s purse, again, doesn’t mean they should. Isn’t that the whole point of effective child-rearing, to not indulge every whim and to know the difference between right and wrong, appropriate behavior from that which isn’t?

    I agree with stirrin. Yes, my kids learned how to swear at an early age, but I taught them at that same early age that profanity is lazy speech, it is for those that lack the abilty to express themselves effectively.

  9. @Uncle Al – Feeling your direction. Impeach, guilty by trial, “JAIL JOE BIDEN,”
    then throw way the key!!

    It should take about 2 weeks for Harris to be hip deep in her own impeachable offenses.
    Impeach and repeat


  10. these are not 3-8 year old children, they’re college kids … old enough to serve in the military
    & most 6 year old & up children hear this word every day, especially if they’re in public school … & I’m not saying this is a good or proper thing. It’s just a truth

    … teach your children well

  11. Who takes little kids to a college or pro football game nowadays? In a general sense I think it might be a bit inappropriate, but I can’t help but agree with the message. The libs need to hear this every time they turn around!

  12. @Leslie, if you have at all followed threads that I have posted on, you’d know that I am no prude.

    Of course kids at an early age are exposed to vulgarity and worse, who’s pretending that they aren’t? My point is why just shrug your shoulders and say “oh well” when it happens. That attitude has created a much worse environment/society than just some fans shouting fuck Biden.

  13. @Joe6 – “…Who takes little kids to a college or pro football game nowadays?…”

    And why wouldn’t you? Because the fans have become so rough and course? Did you not ever go to a college football game as a child?

  14. “Of course kids at an early age are exposed to vulgarity and worse, who’s pretending that they aren’t?”

    Doesn’t make it OK to encourage them and teach them new nasties.

    Have some morals, man. God’s watching and doesn’t like the little ones being messed with.

  15. Joe6 – not sure that I completely understand your comment, but I detect an element of regret, which reinforces my point. The moral decay has to stop, beginning at home. That’s all you can control.

    And Brad, “…I cuss like an old whore. Blue color and all. My kids still don’t…” the same holds true with my kids and me. I cuss like a drunken sailor, but my wife and I made it a point NEVER to curse around our kids while thy lived in our house. And that policy – among others – served them well, as they are all responsible successful adults.

  16. stirrin, Seattle, like all west coast metropolitan areas are shitholes. my kids, and now my grandkids do not need to be exposed to the worst that liberalism has to offer them. My only regret is that is what we have to deal with in order to do what I took for granted when I was a kid.

  17. @joe6pak

    If you lived in a typical college town; Norman Ok, Tuscaloosa Al, Lincoln Nebraska, Austin Tx, or Ann Arbor Mi, then you would understand. Kids learn at an early age where their priorities should lie, it is with the home team, it’s probably the same in Tacoma or Pullman.

    College crowds are different from those that go to pro games. The wife is a Berkeley grad, we took the kid to a number of Cal games. Of course, that was a while ago. Things might have changed since then.

  18. Incidentally, while driving home today from a tournament I was working I saw on a freeway overpass 2 large banners, one said “Recall Newsom”, and the other, “Support Larry Elder”. This was on a major Bay Area freeway. I had a smile on my face the whole drive home.

  19. @Dadof4 –
    “…“Of course kids at an early age are exposed to vulgarity and worse, who’s pretending that they aren’t?”

    Doesn’t make it OK to encourage them and teach them new nasties.

    Have some morals, man. God’s watching and doesn’t like the little ones being messed with…”

    Try re-reading that comment – and all my others – to see that that was precisely my point.

  20. used to go to the U of MD games … just a yungin’ @ 10-12. remember UM vs. Navy when Roger Staubach was Heisman Trophy winner. cam in to UM Stadium on a float … heard a ton of ‘Fuck U’s’ then.

    also went to Baltimore Colt games in the early ’60’s w/ me Dad . heard more cuss words than I ever heard before (or probably since & I worked construction for 10 years) … saw more fights in the stand than a hockey game … the Pittsburgh games were the worst … remember when a plane crashed in Memorial Stadium during a game? … crazy times

    btw, I probably cuss as much as my dad did (which means it isn’t used in most everyday conversations) … my kids cuss not at all. I thank their mother.
    p.s. one of my sons came back from the Army & cussed up a storm in normal conversation … had enough discipline to stop it when he started having his own kids

  21. ‘Go forth and fight! Vanity. For a little space you may triumph on the field, for a day. But against the Power that now arises there is no victory. To this City only the first finger of its hand has yet been stretched. All the East is moving. And even now the wind of thy hope cheats thee and wafts up Anduin a fleet with black sails. The West has failed. It is time for all to depart who would not be slaves.’

  22. ‘Yes, the shadow of doom,’ said Beregond. ‘I fear that Minas Tirith shall fall. Night comes. The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away.’ For a time they sat together with bowed heads and did not speak. Then suddenly Pippin looked up and saw that the sun was still shining and the banners still streaming in the breeze. He shook himself. ‘It is passed,’ he said. ‘No, my heart will not yet despair. Gandalf fell and has returned and is with us. We may stand, if only on one leg, or at least be left still upon our knees.’ ‘Rightly said!’ cried Beregond, rising and striding to and fro. ‘Nay, though all things must come utterly to an end in time, Gondor shall not perish yet. Not though the walls be taken by a reckless foe that will build a hill of carrion before them. There are still other fastnesses, and secret ways of escape into the mountains. Hope and memory shall live still in some hidden valley where the grass is green.’

  23. I rarely use cussing in my life and try to have some control over my tongue. We are good people and they walk all over us and fight dirty. It might be time for people to fight back? I know I’m rocked by what’s going on on so many fronts. I see this as part of fighting back. We need a massive wave of ‘I’m not going to take it anymore’.


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