College Professor Who Had Swine Flu Notes Key Difference in Democrat-Media Complex’s Hysteria Over Wuhan Virus – IOTW Report

College Professor Who Had Swine Flu Notes Key Difference in Democrat-Media Complex’s Hysteria Over Wuhan Virus


[…] The media’s irresponsible coverage has caused the markets to drop and businesses to take unnecessary hits because of the hysteria. The liberal media has caused more damage than the Wuhan virus. The average age from someone who was killed by the Wuhan virus is 80. The elderly and the immunocompromised are and have always been the populations most at risk for death with a viral infection. The seasonal flu infects millions more each year. This year 32-49 million were infected, 560,000 were hospitalized, and 18,000-50,000 are estimated to have been killed by the flu this year. In 2009, the Swine Flu infected 60 million Americans and killed over 12,000.

We’re nowhere near that with the WuFlu.

8 Comments on College Professor Who Had Swine Flu Notes Key Difference in Democrat-Media Complex’s Hysteria Over Wuhan Virus

  1. An observation:
    If this pandemic is as bad as the MSM is portraying, which it’s not, that’s another observation.
    It’s the elites in the cities, who look down their noses at middle and rural America, they will suffer the most.
    Can’t buy yourself out of this one.
    The proverbial “SHTF”, y’all laughing at the preppers and the isolated now?
    Sodom and Gomorra 2.0

  2. Obama waited 4 months, 1,000,000+ infected and 1,000+ dead in America before he declared a national emergency. The media yawned. But that was understandable, because the super-important business of ramming through Obamacare was underway. No irony at all there. Not a smidgen.

  3. Post seen on FB:

    And just like the government(with the help of the media) controls all sporting events, concerts, jobs, colleges, medical facilities, whether or not you can leave your house, has depleted resources such as toilet paper and food, controls all travel…..And you guys wonder why they develop and use viruses to scare the public. They now control you and everything about your life. See how easy it was? Mass panic, hysteria, complete control of literally the world. Over a virus…one that survival rates are extremely high…all freedom has been limited overnight. See how easy that was?

    I would add tanked the markets overnight and doing their best to tank the economy. All so easily done because people are so damn stupid and so easily manipulated. These same people in panic mode have no clue more people were infected and more people died a decade ago by the swine flu because it wasn’t an election year and it was a democrat in office, so nothing to gain my causing mass hysteria.


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