Colleges Move To Arm Officers In Response To Inner-City Crime After Previous Calls To Defund the Police – IOTW Report

Colleges Move To Arm Officers In Response To Inner-City Crime After Previous Calls To Defund the Police

Daily Caller-

Two inner-city colleges are arming their on-campus police officers in an effort to crack down on increased crime three years after activists called for departments across the country to be defunded.

George Washington University (GWU), located in Washington D.C., announced it will allow some officers to carry firearms while on duty after typically relying on other armed police departments, while Portland State University (PSU), located in Oregon, reversed a 2021 policy that restricted officer’s ability to arm themselves. The decisions come three years after activists across the country took to the streets in 2020 demanding policing reform, including calls to defund departments, which sources tell the Daily Caller News Foundation will better prepare officers to deal with emergency situations when they occur. read more

14 Comments on Colleges Move To Arm Officers In Response To Inner-City Crime After Previous Calls To Defund the Police

  1. What most students and many “perfesores” don’t know is that college doesn’t make you smart, it only prepares you to learn for the rest of your life… or it used to be at least. Of course these days a lot of colleges continue the Dumbing Down process of Liberalism and shit out mentally crippled imbeciles. The real learning starts after you enter the private job sector!

  2. Defund Police, release criminals from prisons because “Covid”, or don’t put them in prison.
    What could possibly go wrong with that plan.
    How many of the criminals released, were cartel foot soldiers?

  3. The left have always overplayed their hand. Once they’ve indoctrinated and weaponized their useful idiots through Marxist narrative and doctine, at some point they lose control of their mob. That’s when the left find, “law and order” a tool to coral the terrorists they’ve created. At least until another leftist tyrannical event is implemented.


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