Collusion: Local CBS Station Deletes Damning Report Busting Democrat Official Over Mailer To Ineligible Voters – IOTW Report

Collusion: Local CBS Station Deletes Damning Report Busting Democrat Official Over Mailer To Ineligible Voters

News Thud: Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has found herself in hot water after a mailer was sent out to dead people and non-citizens.

The mailer being called into question was encouraging non-citizens and people that have passed away to make sure they vote in the upcoming November election. The story was picked up by Breitbart News who linked to the CBS4 report. When the story went viral CBS4 deleted the post.

As we all know nothing on the internet is deleted forever and thanks to the internet archives the report is still alive and kicking.

In their report, CBS4 questioned the accuracy of the voting rolls in Colorado because a mass mailer went out to non-citizens and people that have passed away.

A woman identified as Karen Anderson told the station that a week ago she received a postcard for her mother.

“Which sounds really nice except my mother has been dead four years and she hasn’t lived, voted, owned property, worked, or done anything other than visit Colorado since 1967.” more

10 Comments on Collusion: Local CBS Station Deletes Damning Report Busting Democrat Official Over Mailer To Ineligible Voters

  1. Which aspect of this story is more disgusting?
    – That the Democrats in charge are so inept and corrupt they are blanketing the countryside with invalid ballots for the most important election in our lifetimes, defeating the concept of a fair election? Or,
    – That a local CBS affiliate is so shamed within their industry at doing real journOlism and exposing mass corruption by a Democrat that they attempted to hide the exposé?

  2. Secretary of State Griswold recently threatened to include President Trump and Attorney General Barr in a criminal lawsuit against anyone who voted more than once in the Colorado election, on the basis that they were encouraging illegal voting. This harridan is a rabid Dementiacrat.


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