Colombia Celebrates First ‘3-Way Gay Marriage’ – IOTW Report

Colombia Celebrates First ‘3-Way Gay Marriage’


Colombia has become the first country to legally recognize the union of three gay men, where Manuel Bermúdez, Alejandro Rodríguez and Víctor Hugo Prada have united in a “special three-way patrimonial regime” in the city of Medellín.

Although the arrangement is being billed by local media as a “three-way gay marriage,” legally it is closer to a civil union. In 2016, Colombia legalized same-sex marriage, but for the moment it still officially limits the number of partners to two.

“This union is very different from a marriage, since the very constitution of the contract is very different, and represents only a declaration of the will of the parties,” according to the notary office that formalized the union. The men describe their partnership as a “trieja,” a made-up Spanish word distinct from the word for couple (“pareja”).


The brief signing ceremony took place at the Medellín notary office in June, but the three men are planning a larger public ceremony to happen in the next few months.

“We want to make what’s intimate, public,” said 23-year-old Prada, the youngest of the three. “We have no reason to hide it. We are just helping people realize that there are different types of love and different types of family.”

For his part, Manuel Bermúdez demurred when asked how old he was, noting that “you never ask the age of a woman or a fag,” though it is supposed that he is in his forties.  MORE

SNIP: The guy on the left and the one in the center look like they are related.

23 Comments on Colombia Celebrates First ‘3-Way Gay Marriage’

  1. Columbia has never struck me as a bastion of the LGBTwhatever community so I’d be willing to bet one or all of them will be pushing up daisies inside a month. If not by an outside hand then by an inside one because when the plates start flying in a gay relationship knives aren’t far behind.

  2. I had a friend 25 years ago in a similar 3-guy union, not government-sanctioned of course. Very quiet guy, in fact it was the vocally gay guy who outed him to the company. We were pretty good friends while I worked there.
    One day we were getting lunch and he commented that one of the others was out of town, and that it would be nice spending focus time with the other.
    To each his own. I’m a libertarian, and it doesn’t bother me, as long as I don’t have to deal with it politically.

  3. If ISIS can have a Caliphate the Gay people should have their own country.
    Just like the Palestinians, they should decide they have a mandate to someone else’ land.
    Then a new civil rights campaign can begin.

  4. I guess if you’re Columbia, ya wanna have a first about something …

    We had Obola, so they get the “Three Amigos” … sheesh … talk about trying too hard … why not have the biggest ball of string or something?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Poor Lazlo July 5, 2017 at 12:53 pm

    The British gave the Jews “British” Palestine. That’s what made it all “internationally legal” (if you pretend to care about such things).

    Bow, if only there were some fabulous tropical island, within easy commute of a Proudly Gay Superpower. An island that such superpower might be willing to write off (or at least down).

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