Colorado: Army Ranger Backed By Democratic Establishment Wins Primary – IOTW Report

Colorado: Army Ranger Backed By Democratic Establishment Wins Primary

DC: Former Army Ranger and Bronze Star winner Jason Crow won the Democratic primary in Colorado Tuesday to challenge incumbent Republican Rep. Mike Coffman for the 6th Congressional District in November.

Crow beat Democratic rival Levi Tillemann, the Associate Press reported, with nearly 68 percent of the vote, according to Politico.

The district in metro Denver leans Democrat by several points, yet Coffman, who ran unopposed in his primary, has hung on to his seat despite being a target of the other party.

The Democrats hoped that would change this cycle by nominating Crow, a centrist with an impressive military record, to counteract Coffman’s military background — Coffman is a combat veteran who served in both the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps.

Crow’s centrism is exhibited in his opinion on guns — that America doesn’t have a gun problem, but a gun-violence problem.

“I don’t have a problem with the Second Amendment,” Crow said. “But this isn’t about the Second Amendment. This is about a gun-violence crisis that we have in this country that’s killing over 33,000 people a year.”  more

9 Comments on Colorado: Army Ranger Backed By Democratic Establishment Wins Primary

  1. Seems like the Dems are searching out and finding military veterans who are leftists. They seem to think that just repeating over and over that they have military experience will bring them a win.
    It’s really sad to see so many military men and women who are leftists and actually working against the Constitution.

  2. “But this isn’t about the Second Amendment. This is about a gun-violence crisis that we have in this country that’s killing over 33,000 people a year.”


    Yeah, he’s a real “centrist” alright. I’m calling bullshit!

  3. “I don’t have a problem with the Second Amendment,” Crow said.
    That says it all. Liberal/Democrats make up maybe 10% of the armed services, but there seems to be a flood of them running for office. i suspect the dems have a program to run prospective future candidates through 4 years of service to enhance their resume.


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