Colorado: Bush Cousin To Face House Democrat In Battle For Governor – IOTW Report

Colorado: Bush Cousin To Face House Democrat In Battle For Governor

DC: Walker Stapleton, a Republican relative of the Bush political dynasty, and Democratic Rep. Jared Polis won their respective primary races for Colorado governor Tuesday.

Polis, a fifth-term congressman, beat three primary challengers with 44 percent of the vote, the Associated Press reported. Stapleton, the Colorado state treasurer, also faced three challengers and emerged victorious with nearly 50 percent of the votes, according to Politico.

Stapleton already began looking past the primary to criticize Polis’s $12-million donation to his own campaign. With a net worth of around $72 million, Polis is one of the richest members of Congress.

If he is successful in November, Polis would be the first openly gay person to win a gubernatorial election in the U.S.

Stapleton wants to change the direction of Colorado’s previous two governors, and particularly that of the current Gov. John Hickenlooper.   more

9 Comments on Colorado: Bush Cousin To Face House Democrat In Battle For Governor

  1. Jared Polis is a Multimillionaire Marxist Homosexualist from Boulder who is running so far to the left of most moderates in Colorado, that he would be a certain loser under normal circumstances. These are abenormal circumstances. He spent $12,000,000 on his primary, defeating several other leftist, who were running against Trump. A Republican hasn’t been elected Governor in two decades. Stapleton has tied his campaign to President Trump, who lost in this state because of the influx of people fleeing California and New York. If Polis loses this election, it will only be because he runs like he wants to govern Colorado.

  2. Come on, there is no comparison. Polis is a far left progressive lunatic. He’ll destroy what is left of CO and make it unrecognizable by raising taxes, increasing regulations, encouraging sanctuary cities/state policies and severely restricting the energy sector. Stapleton openly supports Trump, his policies and is against sanctuary cities and all the BS that has destroyed CO. I’m sorry but I don’t care who he is related to, CO needs him to win (a long shot for sure) or they’ll be CA 2.0.

  3. Maybe it would be better for Colorado to elect Polis. In the long run if is as destructive to the State as commenters seem to feel he will be it would be four, painful and damaging years culminating with the desruction of the Democrat Party in that state.

  4. How is that theory working in CA (voting in Dems to show people how life will be)?! The Dems seem really on the run there. So much so that Maxine Waters can openly advocate for violence and still get re-elected. Who cares who Stapleton’s cousin is. He supports Trump and his policies and wants to move CO back to being a competitive law abiding state. The Dem party isn’t dying in that state no matter who gets elected. Ivanka Trump is a liberal democrat and I’d never vote for her to be in charge of anything. Stapleton can also hold values outside the Bush family and shouldn’t be discarded just because he has a connection. And CO already knows how it feels to have a far reaching dem governor – Hickenlooper is just finishing up his 8th year. And if you need one more reason to hope Stapleton wins, Polis isn’t stopping at governor. If he wins he’ll be running for POTUS in another 8 years.

  5. This shit is why I’m in Kansas and NO, It ain’t new. This crap started in the mid 70’s when some eastern asshole named Dick Lamm became governor. Lamm is regarded as a centrist democrat now.

    Keep your eye on the outgoing governor, John Hickenlooper. He’s going to run for president in 2020. He recently attended the Bilderberg meeting in Italy and is being groomed and vetted……So, ask yourself why was a lame duck governor from good ol’ Colorado is attending that meeting. Polis and Hickenlooper need to be buried.

  6. I lived in CO in the 80’s and 90’s and it was a great place to be. People still had rights in spite of lamm. I can’t believe what they’ve done to it. It’s a sin.

  7. This is absolutely no different than what we had two years ago in the national presidential election. Either vote for the Godless, marxist commie (Hillary) or take a chance that the alternative (Trump) will somehow be better.

    It’s a no-brainer friends, Polis is a Godless, marxist commie sodomite, who’s pushing the same, tired, free everything bullshit the leftist have resorted to. How could Stapleton possibly be worse than that?

    I encourage anyone who values America and the blessings of our constitution to vote against Lucifer’s choice (Polis), and vote for the one candidate (Stapleton) that will somehow be better!


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