Colorado CIty Closes Migrant Apartment Block amid Gang Crime, Squalor – IOTW Report

Colorado CIty Closes Migrant Apartment Block amid Gang Crime, Squalor


City officials in Aurora, Colorado, are closing down a large apartment building today amid rival claims about landlord abuse and a hostile takeover by Venezuala’s Tren de Aragua migrant street gang.

“Tren de Aragua taking over properties and communities in Aurora means that we are not able to be present on this property, or any of our other properties in similar situations, also being impacted by [migrant] gang presence,” said a statement to Breitbart News by an “investor for multiple affected properties in Aurora.” The statement was provided by a spokesman for the Florida-based landlord, CBZ Management.

The owners are “out-of-town slum lords,” Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman responded via on August 8:

That building has been a problem for years, mountains of garbage, rats, sewage, no electricity …. We’ve been working with this building and its owners for a very long time. I mean, I they’re they’re out-of-state slumlords, and they haven’t maintained the building.

Coffman is a prominent supporter of more labor migration into the city’s workplaces and housing. “America is a nation of immigrants with a rare ability to take the best of many cultures from all corners of the world and almost magically integrate them to become uniquely American,” he told in 2020. One in five of Auroroa’s population of 400,000 is an immigrant. more here

6 Comments on Colorado CIty Closes Migrant Apartment Block amid Gang Crime, Squalor

  1. Saw a clip, actual colo bcast,
    They were interviewing one of the migrants living on the street.

    The reason they claim to NOT use the Shelter:
    1: Signup List for a Bed closes the list at 5PM.
    2: This prevents the migrants, who speak no english, at all, from finding work in America to make money for living.
    3: Language barriars with the staff and following directions have become an issue for the ‘guests’ and they don’t like new rules.
    4: They have ‘Rights’ as non-citizens and you must pay.
    5: Drivers Licenses should be free.
    ~NOT Signed {COLO-CATERS}


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