Colorado Climate Activist Lights Himself On Fire Outside Supreme Court on Earth Day – IOTW Report

Colorado Climate Activist Lights Himself On Fire Outside Supreme Court on Earth Day

In an incident report, the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) stated that 50-year-old Wynn Bruce of Boulder, Colorado, carried out the act at about 6:05 p.m. Friday, the Hill noted. The MPD, Supreme Court Police, and Capitol Police responded to the scene. After being conveyed to a local hospital via helicopter, Bruce died of his injuries.

“A Facebook page belonging to a person named Wynn Bruce said he was a Buddhist and a climate activist,” the New York Post reported.

“In 2020, Bruce left a cryptic Facebook comment that included a fire emoji and the date of his death, 4/22/2022,” according to the outlet. MORE

30 Comments on Colorado Climate Activist Lights Himself On Fire Outside Supreme Court on Earth Day

  1. Finally brought some light to the world?
    I guess he couldn’t see that 60 years of predicting the world’s going to end in 5 to 10 years hasn’t worked out.
    Imagine going that way in a ball of fire then realizing you’re in the lake of fire for eternity. He chose poorly.

  2. Meh.

    Self-eliminating problem.

    Nasty mess tho. Maybe make a machine for that.

    Otherwise, this should be encouraged in climate nuts.

    …Althogh you SHOULD point out to him as he’s burning that he’s going to Climate Hell for contributing to carbon emmisions with his burning body fat, groundwater polllution with his escaped and brazed body fluids along with the unburnt gasoline and the water used to put him out, and he probably killed a bunch of helpless ants in the process…

  3. His last words as a dumbass, “I wish I may, I wish I might set myself on fire tonight.” Goodbye crispy critter, you won’t be missed. Is there a special category of Darwin Awards for idiots who deliberately set themselves on fire?

  4. Another climate cultist demonstrating his rock solid mental stability to all the sane people in the world. Barbecued libtard should be a more common smell than it is right now.

  5. Hmmm….I was not aware that the Supreme Court was tasked with climate issues in addition to their judicial responsibilities. Shouldn’t the citizen have directed his protest at the executive branch?

    In any event, a futile gesture regardless at whom it was directed. RIP.

  6. “Life’s tough. It’s even tougher when you’re stupid.”

    Poor sap was easily led astray – apparently he had no ability to think for himself or to do the math.

    Another life lost because of a hoax.


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Bruce died of his injuries.

    He’s not the first to act stupidly. But heh, he did the world a favor. He will no longer leave a carbon footprint wherever he goes. More air for me to breathe. The guy reminds me of another nut case who was against nuclear war. He laid himself over the train tracks at Port Chicago Naval Weapons Station back in 1968, to stop trains from loading bombs onto ships. Port Chicago was a magnate for protestors during the Viet Nam war. Well, the train ran over him intentionally, the guy died, end of story. No one tried it again after that. 🙂

  8. Too bad he waited so long.
    At 50 y.o., he’s probably co-created some progeny to pass his stoopid genes along to.
    The damage has already been done. Tsk.

  9. If he figured he would reduce the earth’s pollution by burning himself up, that claim needs some examination. He certainly began adding to it when he started cooking himself. After those dark sooty clouds finally dissipated, the earth was free of his body and brain pollution.

    So yeah, he did a good thing. Others like him should be encouraged to take up the old banner and further reduce the earth’s pollution.

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