Colorado Court Refuses Tina Peters’ Request for a Bonded Appeal – IOTW Report

Colorado Court Refuses Tina Peters’ Request for a Bonded Appeal

Colorado’s judicial system continues to persecute Tina Peters.

The corrupt and partisan Colorado courts have no love for Tina Peters. Here is video of the judge in Colorado sentencing Tina Peters to years in prison for being a whistleblower, in essence. This was a horrible and revealing display.

8 Comments on Colorado Court Refuses Tina Peters’ Request for a Bonded Appeal

  1. Travesty. While I left CO 10 years ago after living there almost 40, it kills me to see what has happened to The Centennial State. When I moved there it was a solid conservative state, even District 1(Denver had a Repub rep!).

    If you would have told me in 1970 that a cock sucking, pole smoking, far left whack-o would be the Gov, I’ll bet Richard Lamb and me would be spinning whip-per-wheels.

    And the Senators? Hick and Bennett?? Fuck me.

    Tina Peters got effed for doing her damn job. She’s in her late(?) 60s, she got 9 years. She’ll probably die in prison. This could not have escaped DJT’s notice.

    DO IT.

  2. Colorado needs to be liberated.
    Along with California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, and a few other states.

    Cut off the head; the snake dies.
    “Without their heads they’re powerless!”

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