Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record – IOTW Report

Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record

Mitsch Bush backed Green New Deal, Medicare for All in failed 2018 run.

When Mitsch Bush ran for Colorado’s Third Congressional District in 2018, she pushed for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. Bush now condemns both policies, removing them from her current platform in order to campaign as a “pragmatic progressive” on the trail.

16 Comments on Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record

  1. “Pragmatic progressive” is one hell of an oxymoron. Where do the democraps find these losers with all their progressive policy agendas? And whatever happened to normal democrats who actually believe in freedom and liberty and justice for all. They all died when Woody Wilson became President and started to normalize progressives ideas as political policy.

  2. “pragmatic progressive”, is short for godless communist. All bullshit aside, the only thing these people are really interested in is raw, naked power over other people’s lives.

  3. Lying and cheating are all they have.
    They cannot run on what they’re actually planning.

    The National Socialists of Germany placated the the other socialist parties of Germany – until elected.
    The Bolsheviks did the same in Russia.
    The Chinese Communists were “aligned” with the other Chinese parties – until they either killed or imprisoned them in concentration camps.
    The Khmer Rouge “cooperated” with the adjacent socialist parties to drive the King out and then killed their “allies.”

    No sane person would support communism (or the soporific “socialism”) and the communist/socialist/nihilist/totalitarians are well aware of this simple fact and thus disguise, obfuscate, prevaricate, lie, dissimulate, and generally obscure their policy positions and their goals.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She’s not fooling any of the tens of thousands of Coloradans who own guns and support the Second Amendment living in this Western Slope Congressional District. Mitsch Bush’s pragmatism is recognition that she has to get elected before she can declare her real political beliefs.

  5. Having worked for a company based in Colorado, I’ve noticed it seems to attract people with their heads up their collective asses a mile high… and their tanked stock value is a stark reflection of their incompetence and ineptness!

  6. Germans, Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Cubans, Argentinians, Chileans, Hungarians, Romanians, Albanians, Bulgarians, &c. – they were (are) all aware of the concentration camps run by their respective governments but chose to minimize or sanitize that knowledge. In fact, they PREFERRED to be lied to – as long as a facile lie was told, their consciences were salved.

    I’d bet that Coloradans are similarly minded.

    I live in a “conservative” area of a “conservative” county – but our “conservative” commissioners are more than happy to accept “grants” of money from the State and the Feds without considering that that money was taken from someone else BY FORCE. If we can craft a bubble of ignorance (or denial) around ourselves we are capable of most anything.

    Many Coloradans will be soothed by this monster’s soothing purrs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Sadly, it really doesn’t matter. A slight majority in Colorado will vote for the (D) behind her name and she will accept anything the left throws out. It really doesn’t matter the details. What I do find interesting, and hopefully a sign is that she actually thinks she has to move away from the far-left. Maybe there is hope for my great state, but not counting on it

  8. Someday, I might actually figure out why the people here vote for lefties, but then turn around and keep TABOR (look it up) in place. I am glad they don’t overturn it, but then the dizziness sinks in when I see a Polis and a majority in the state senate and house turn blue.

    Short story: we want the left to control our lives, but we don’t want to pay for it.

  9. Between legalizing pot and implementing a full statewide mail in ballot election model CO has become solid blue. Any republican would have to win substantially to surpass the cheating Boulder, Denver, Aspen and all the other liberal areas engage in almost openly. The SOS is now a radical tied to Obama’s admin and she has been sending out post cards to foreign exchange students and illegals to register to vote. Trump isn’t even spending any effort there this year, he did four years ago.

  10. This is how the leftist ideology works while campaigning;

    If you want to get the virgin to the top of the volcano so you can sacrifice her. . .you don’t tell her in advance that you’re going to push her in.

    Oh. . .and we’re the virgin!!!


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