Colorado man set home ablaze clearing cobwebs with blowtorch – IOTW Report

Colorado man set home ablaze clearing cobwebs with blowtorch

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — A Colorado man was arrested after investigators say he set his mother’s house on fire while trying to get rid of cobwebs with a blowtorch.

The Boulder Daily Camera reports the 39-year-old man was taken into custody after Monday’s fire near Longmont.

He faces several charges, including first-degree arson.

No one was injured in the fire.

Investigators say the man acknowledged using a blowtorch to clear cobwebs in the crawlspace under the home, and he tried to put out the fire for an hour by himself before calling emergency crews.

The blaze caused about $100,000 in damages.

34 Comments on Colorado man set home ablaze clearing cobwebs with blowtorch

  1. What? Probably a Cali transplant. Worse, bringing their leftist policies to ruin my state. Sorry, got off on a tangent. I am a native and the transplants have ruined things. Just my opinion

  2. There are better ways to remove poisonous spiders. But most aren’t poisonous and are very beneficial. Stop killing spiders out of fear (unless they’re in your bed!).

    You know those BIG, dark read wolf spiders that scamper on your floor?

    Do you panic? Go “Ewwwww!! Kill it, honey!”

    They’re your friends. If they weren’t there, you’d have a lot more bugs you’d like even less! 🙂

    (3… 2… 1…)

  3. I was at a fire where this lady burned herself and 4 neighbors in the multi-family building out when she set up sexy time with lots and lots of candles that she and boyfriend knocked down during their resultant activities, even though the asshole boyfreind made it worse by trying to fight the conflagration with a garden hose until it got completely out of hand, and his half-naked inamorta flung off her blanket and had to be physically restrained from running back into her (and her 4 neighbors’) flaming abode on the mistaken belief that her kids were inside even though she had specifically farmed them out down the street earler in anticipation of touchy time, and they didn’t charge her OR him with anything, criminally, at least…

  4. My sweetie, cool as a cucumber, one morning told me: “Honey, there’s a tarantula in the bedroom”.
    It was that very moment I knew she was no longer a ‘city girl’.

  5. Brian Williams
    NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 4:54 PM
    “Curiously, I invented the blow torch.”

    And I invented the blow JOB.

    Well, PERFECTED it, anyway.

    I sucked my way all the way to the WHITE HOUSE, baby!

    No 2 dolla ho ever did THAT!


  6. @ General Malaise NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 4:50 PM

    Correct. I tell my customers they are one of God’s pest control squad. And Mud Daubers are one of God’s pest control on spiders.

    Every time I get told they are getting bitten by spiders in the house, I need to go over how unlikely it is. Almost all common spiders in America are unable to break your skin, besides, the “marks” they show me would be a lot worse and get infected if it was a venomous spider.

    BTW, the correct word is venomous, not poisonous.

  7. I had Black Widow spiders that lived in the little hatch where I had to turn the water on and off at when we visited out trailer in East Tennessee, but the water key was long so once I saw what they were I learned to not reach in, and they seemed content to just eight-eye me since I left them alone, so nothing ever came of it…

  8. Dadof4 and SNS – I’ve crawled many times under sheds and houses only to find nests of Black Widows. They see me and run like scared jack rabbits (consistent with most analyses of them). So, I’ve lost my fear of them – except, like SNS, I know if “I reach right in THERE” and give Momma no choice, she’ll probably bite me and make me wish I stayed in bed.

    Understanding of wildlife – even insects – pays off. Teach everything you know to your kids and grand kids!

  9. @ SNS NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 5:24 PM

    Yeah, Black Widows aren’t chasers. You pretty much have to accidentally get bitten by blustering onto them. Same with Brown Recluses, even though they chase and catch their prey – no webs.

    I have seen tarantulas get aggressive and leap over a foot towards it’s threat.

    I remember that afternoon well. I haven’t teased any Tarantulas since then.

    I had a new-found appreciation of their capabilities as I leapt backwards and scrambled to my car.

  10. jellybean
    NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 8:20 PM
    “Most everyone has to find out just how hot the stove is….

    Sometimes it’s fun….sometimes NOT.”

    The burned hand teaches best. After that, advice about fire goes straight to the heart.

  11. Electric drill with a two foot wooden dowel will wind up the webs with no chance of fire. Biden fans Safety tip #911: The dowel should never be used in conjunction with fire.

  12. Never forget the Darwin award that went to the guy who washed paint off his hands with a can of gas in the bathroom while his daughter had a incense candle burning across the hall in her bed room. They both got a blast out of it.

  13. What the f*ck was all that? Dan those Russian bots…. probably the same ones that got President Trump elected…….. ha!
    Don’t ask why I’m up so early….


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