Colorado Police Seek The Evil Pooper That Poops At Mid Day! – IOTW Report

Colorado Police Seek The Evil Pooper That Poops At Mid Day!

The Budde family from Colorado Springs has spent weeks trying to get a woman they call “The Mad Pooper” to stop leaving dumps in their neighborhood, right outside of their house.  – Story


26 Comments on Colorado Police Seek The Evil Pooper That Poops At Mid Day!

  1. There are lots of uncivilized people who crap on everything in all kinds of other ways. This barbarian is just taking the practice to its logical conclusion. If this were happening in front of my house I’d be tempted to quietly follow her to find out where she lives and transfer her “deposits” to her own front door.

  2. i have a 2600 psi pressure washer that could cure this sick bitch real quick. For the cops to say “this is uncharted territory” is just code for “we don’t want to be bothered”. I would get a closeup photo of her and then follow her home. Post the photos of her within a 1 mile radius of her house.

  3. At Nellis AFB in 82 We had the “Shit Monster” He would smear poop

    down the hallways in the Dorms…Didn’t take long to figure out He was

    with the Aggressor Squadron (F-5’s doing MIG Tactics) And they

    traveled a lot(TDY) across different AFB’s…and He left His signature

    all the way across America…They simply crosschecked the Rosters…

    Dishonorable Discharge…Dude had a Top Secret clearance.

  4. Runners are… different. I had a roommate in college who was a runner. He always took a dump on someone’s lawn when he was out running. You would think that part of the “Conquer Thyself” lifestyle would include controlling bodily functions.

  5. Every hardcore or semi hardcore runner I’ve ever known, and that has been several including right now, have always had a very subtle unspoken “better than you” arrogance because, I guess, there are runner. With quiet pride they let everyone know that they’re leaving work for the day because they have a marathon to attend. So this comes as absolutely no surprise.

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