Colorado: Wild sex parties in upscale community upsetting the neighbors – IOTW Report

Colorado: Wild sex parties in upscale community upsetting the neighbors

FOX: Sex parties hosted in one of Colorado’s nicest communities are angering neighbors who say it’s time to take action.

Residents on Avery Way in Castle Rock say organized sex parties at one home are causing parking problems and noise, but they are most concerned with the sexual nature of the events and any exposure to children.

One neighbor, who declined to provide her full identity, said she received a copy of a party invitation from an anonymous person who is concerned about the events.

It shows 400 guests were invited with 87 people, including 35 couples, sending a “yes” RSVP.

“I think it is disgusting,” she said.

The invitation references the “Thunderstorm Play Palace” and boasts a 7,500-square-foot dwelling with every amenity, including alcohol, food (complete with a vegetarian menu) and chocolate fountain.

The risqué invitation also advises guests to bring their own condoms and show respect for the “new furniture.” MORE

26 Comments on Colorado: Wild sex parties in upscale community upsetting the neighbors

  1. the screw up is that it is described as a “sex party”. If they would have reported it as a Bible study, the officials would have been right on it.
    Wonder how many of the officials were invited?

  2. The invitation showed donations are taken at the door….$20 for women.

    Wow, they must be real lookers. For $20 you can get a street walker and privacy in your own car. At least thats what I’ve heard.

  3. The solution is SO SIMPLE for any concerned residents on Avery Way.
    Light up the neighborhood and all neighbors out on the street equipped with cameras.
    And be vocal that the identities of those photographed will be made very public.

    One DOA swingers party.
    Next day tell the hosts they should consider moving out asap.

  4. Had a couple Seattle porn producers bought a house on the next block over from my sister’s place. It really isn’t all that entertaining to have passed out sluts laying in the gardens and all of the drugged out weirdos and the fighting, reckless driving, gunplay etc that comes with this type of bullshit going on in a residential neighborhood.

  5. The last 3 years have taught me Colorado is a most physically beautiful State. It is populated by many hideously stupid people. (Canabis may soon be mandatory to survive there.)

    Driving on their roads promptly reduces the most angelic amongst us to swearing in strings of profanities.
    For my next drive to Denver, I’m reconfiguring one of those big foam “We’re #One” fingers to point out the windshield.
    (So many “Left Lane For Passing” signs, so many texting in braille while driving)

  6. At this point, a wild sex party is 20 minutes of wishing followed by a long nap.

    So yeah, I hope they respect the new furniture – particularly the sofa.

  7. Just stand outside on the public sidewalk and take pictures of the people coming inside. Take pictures of their cars and plate numbers and put up a website to ask from the public help in indentifying these patrons. As for the guy merely asking for “donations” that’s just a dodge and the cops know it as well. Ask the IRS to drop by and audit them. It will stop quick enough.


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