Columbia Journalism Review: Fox Is More Balanced than MSNBC – IOTW Report

Columbia Journalism Review: Fox Is More Balanced than MSNBC

Truth Revolt

“While the liberal hosts of MSNBC often skewer conservatives, the debates happen with villains who are not in the studio”

In a Monday column at Columbia Journalism Review, Alexis Sobel Fitts compares the way MSNBC and Fox News present opposing points of view and suggests that Fox News is fairer in the way it presents the progressive point of view than MSNBC is at presenting the conservative view.

According to the piece, entitled “And from the left…Fox News,” Fox has decided that having a strong liberal fight against conservatives on air creates political theater and good TV, as opposed to MSNBC where liberals regularly attack a conservative who is not on air to fight for their position.



6 Comments on Columbia Journalism Review: Fox Is More Balanced than MSNBC

  1. fox at least lets the progressives and rinos misrepresent their arguments themselves where as msnbc lets the progressives misrepresent both sides of the argument.

    this will work out well for the country

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