Columbia University prevails in lawsuit over mattress protest – IOTW Report

Columbia University prevails in lawsuit over mattress protest

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Columbia University on Friday won the dismissal of a lawsuit by a graduate over the school’s decision to allow a student who accused him of rape to carry a mattress around campus in protest, even though Columbia had cleared him of the allegation.

U.S. District Judge Gregory Woods in Manhattan said Paul Nungesser failed to show that Columbia discriminated against him based on his gender by allowing and condoning conduct during the 2014-2015 academic year by his accuser, Emma Sulkowicz.

“While we’re disappointed with the judge’s ruling today, we believe that this is a very strong case and we will continue in our pursuit of justice for Mr. Nungesser,” Andrew Miltenberg, a lawyer for Nungesser, said in an email.

Nungesser had sued Columbia, its president Lee Bollinger, and visual arts professor Jon Kessler, who oversaw Sulkowicz’s senior thesis “Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight),” in which she drew national attention by carrying a mattress around the campus in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights.


9 Comments on Columbia University prevails in lawsuit over mattress protest

  1. Was it just me? I watched a video made by this bat shit crazy woman.
    She “reenacted” the hoax rape.It was hard core XXX.Her media or film
    class filmed it.Some fat old ugly dude comes in her room and they get
    neeked & perform oral sex on each other and then they copulate.The guy
    simulates slapping her…. Folks we are living in bizzaro world !

  2. So this feminazi bitch makes unprovable allegations of rape against a male student, then violates an agreement she made with the university not to discuss the matter with anyone. Then she bases her senior project on these allegations. The project becomes a media circus. Finally, at graduation, she blows off the universtiy’s request that she not bring her mattress onstage when she accepts her diploma.

    And the university ISN’T guilty of gender discrimination against the male student? Oh, fuck that!

  3. On second thought, who cares about the guy? The girl made a “powerful” statement about the “campus rape culture,” and that’s what counts, right?

    Douchebag jurist!

  4. Why the hell did the judge throw this out? Let the (innocent but now damaged) guy have his day in court and let the attorneys make their arguments, then let a jury decide the merits.
    This guy’s rights were trampled – first by the school, then by the court.

  5. Good luck to the bimbo trying to get a decent job in the real world after having made her public “statement” carrying around a mattress – most employers don’t cotton to that sort of nonsense. Good luck to that “institution of higher learning” now that people know their right to equal treatment before the law is void. That “institution of higher learning” sealed its fate and now will begin a downwarx spiral. Sad day for the republic.

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