Columnist says NYC crime surge ‘happening primarily in black neighborhoods’ amid calls to defund police – IOTW Report

Columnist says NYC crime surge ‘happening primarily in black neighborhoods’ amid calls to defund police


New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday that crime in America’s largest city is on the rise as calls to defund the police gain traction.

“The crime spike is really not a surprise for anyone that’s been following it,” Markowicz told host Tucker Carlson.

“I think we’ve let the leftist activists and politicians divide us into the camps of, either you are pro-police or you believe black lives matter,” she went on. “But the truth is, if you are pro-police, it’s because you believe black lives matter.” more

16 Comments on Columnist says NYC crime surge ‘happening primarily in black neighborhoods’ amid calls to defund police

  1. Fuck you libs. If you want to get rid of the police in your shithole, go right ahead.

    But when your shithole turns into a third world shithole, you are not welcome to come to my state or city and bring your third world shithole attitude and voting.

    GFY and live with your decisions, quit putting them on the rest of us you fuckheads.

  2. There will be cries for the federal Government to rebuild their neighborhoods, in 5 years they’ll become lawless shitholes once again. The Great Society, President Johnson sold the US taxpayers was an endless money hole, sucking the life out of taxpayers.

  3. That the crime rate in black neighborhoods is climbing as police attention is dwindling is not at all surprising to anybody who has done enough digging to find statistics that are verboten to mention in public.

    As of 2011, when Barky’s administration stopped reporting crime by the race of the criminals and victims, we have some relevant facts. The Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980–2008 reports:

    Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders… The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000).

    Statistics for other violent crimes aren’t much different.

    More violence in black neighborhoods with fewer police can hardly be a shock to anybody who isn’t deliberately stupid.

  4. I think lots of White Colored People are really weary of Black Colored People demanding that we give a damn about what happens when the police are not allowed to do their jobs. Mayor Mugabe hasn’t made the right decision about anything involving the NYC Police Department since he got the office.

  5. Insanely radical middle and upper class hypocrite white women are major supporters of the BLM and the hate cops movement, but as soon as the violence and crime comes home they are the first to scream for the law to save them.

  6. But by “defund” the police they don’t mean “get rid of” police. They only mean to bring in additional ways of protecting society. What makes you think they want to eliminate police completely?

    I have been told that several times online.

  7. Colorado just passed a law that Police can be sued personally. Police can now be sued personally and have to pay fines out of their own pockets. I expect the crime rate to sky rocket as soon as that sinks in with the law breaking crowd.

    Even if the LEO wins he looses because he/she will have to pay for representation for any case filed even if it is frivolous. How stupid to you have to be to not understand what will come of this?

  8. @RadioMattM:

    What makes you think they want to eliminate police completely? I have been told that several times online.

    — You might suggest to such online dopes that they should check in with the Minneapolis City Council.

  9. Uncle Al: trying to straighten these people out is like trying to put lipstick on a pig but nowhere near as easy or satisfying. Another thing I see people saying is that ANTIFA does not exists. I asked one why people wore the ANTIFA emblem and his reaction was “Oh yeah? Who? Show me.” I can perhaps understand the naïveté of “Isn’t fighting fascism a good thing?” but the “They don’t exist. It is just a bunch of white supremacists who want to make progressives look bad” I have really trouble with.


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