“Come on Jeff, You Can Do It” – IOTW Report

“Come on Jeff, You Can Do It”

Earlier today President Trump tweeted a message to the invisible U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions: “C’mon Jeff, you can do it.”

14 Comments on “Come on Jeff, You Can Do It”

  1. I am sick about what the hell is going on. Sessions, the DOJ, the IG, Huber, every son of a bitch out there including Trump. God damn Trump has more ammunition than he can possibly fire and all he does is fire off tweets! I’ve fucking had it! Granted he is a brave son of a gun for even taking on the role that he has, I love and respect him for what he is doing for our country, but damn it’s time to drop some MOAB’s on our enemy’s. Now is the time to fight like our lives depend on it, because they do. Dammit, we are about to lose our country. C’mon Trump lets fucking fight this out!

  2. At this point in time it’s on Trump. He has 50% of the country on his side. And he is letting a bunch of slimeball, corrupted, pieces of shit control the narrative. Mueller…..the bastard let 4 guys sit in prison that he knew were innocent because his reputation was on the line. Cmon Trump, are you going to let these bastards control what we need done? You better start fighting or a bunch of us are going to be pissed as hell!

  3. “…Trump has more ammunition than he can possibly fire…”
    And Trump knows when the right time is to fire it.

    It’s one thing to *have* the evidence.
    It’s another to have it “in legal order.”

    “The Bad Guys” ain’t goin’ nowhere, folks.

    YES, the suspense is killing me, too.
    YES, I’d love it to have happened yesterday.
    But NO, I’m NOT going to forget whom I elected to fight for me,
    AND I WILL do my part in the (Primary and November) election and VOTE.
    (if YOU can persuade others to vote, all the better!)

  4. President Trump cannot fire Sessions before the November election because that will cause even more Republicans to lose House seats.

    The Deep State is mob circling Mr. Trump. They are digging into his tax returns now. He will get busted for tax evasion and impeached. And we will lose one of the most competent Presidents in history.

  5. He gets Audited every Year. If anything was in there…The Donger’s

    weaponized IRS would have pounced Pre-Election.

    A lot of this fear to prosecute seems to stem from the Clinton

    Impeachment…It hurt People’s feewings.

  6. No better nickname for Suck-Sessions than ‘The Invisible Man”.
    Hope we’re all wrong and he’s actually diligently prepping a case that’s going to fill Gitmo with treasonous bureaucrats and politicians, but…

  7. Jeff S is like the horse (donkey) led to water, but you can’t make him drink.

    What a great disappointment. He was handed the opportunity to expose & bring down perhaps the largest & most dangerous conspiracy ring in our nation’s history, and be remembered by history as one of the great national heros, but he has refused to pick up the big glass.

    [ some days I have to wonder if Jeff has a big scary skeleton in his closet that is being rattled loudly by the Hillary gang as a warning to be quiet, be invisible, & stay away from the biggest stinkest elephant in his area of responsibility. Because in his other areas of responsibility he has done a good job afaik ]

    Time has eired on the theory that Jeff has been playing the unaware fool with PDJT’s cooperation to set a trap for over confident swamp monsters.


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