Come one, come all! Another tax payer funded vacation! – IOTW Report

Come one, come all! Another tax payer funded vacation!


Michelle Obama, her mom and kids thank you for their upcoming China vacation

Washington must have been getting boring already.

Not content with already setting a record for travels on the taxpayers’ credit card in 2013, Michelle Obama will be heading to the Far East for spring break with her two daughters and a boatload of Secret Service agents, aides and other publicly paid employees, The Associated Press reports.

While President Obama heads in the other direction of the globe with a trip to Europe and Saudi Arabia, the first lady will travel March 19-26 to the Chinese capital of Beijing as well as Xian in central China and Chengdu in the southwest, according to AP.

The spring break trip is being billed as partially diplomatic, with Obama scheduled to meet with Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, but there’s no doubt going to be a fair amount of sight-seeing for the first lady, who’s probably felt cooped up in the White House ever since returning from that Hawaiian vacation all the way back in January.

In addition to her daughters, Michelle will be accompanied by her mother, Marian Robinson, according to a White House statement.

The Chinese junket continues a pattern Mrs. Obama has followed since her husband’s election, with extravagant trips abroad or expensive vacations within the U.S. – like the girls’ spring break last year in Sun Valley, Idaho.

And all of this at a time when the president’s party is trying to make raising the minimum wage its rallying cry against supposed Republican heartlessness.



13 Comments on Come one, come all! Another tax payer funded vacation!

  1. I read elsewhere that Mooch is to give a speech somewhere there, about the importance of education.

    Ya, I was thinking the same thing.

    Which is why the next day, her husband is going to roll his ass out of bed before 9, to give a lecture to some Chinese about the importance of hard work.

  2. Remember when the EBT card system was broken and WalMart let EBT users buy whatever they wanted on the “honor system”?

    And it was a grab-tastic free-for-all riot with all the obamasons carting out everything they could carry until the system came back up?

    That’s the 0Bamas. Except it’s with the nation’s checkbook.

    That’s how I see them. Grabbin’ all the white man’s loot they can grab while the system is down.

  3. The one Chinese family I routinely talk to refer to 0bama as “ha’ gow” (black dog in Cantonese) or “laan chon” (lazy worm in Cantonese)

    I think it’s fair to say they don’t think very much of him

  4. Stay away from the PRC’s East where man-caused disasters, aka Islamic Terrorism, occur daily. Enroll the, wink-wink, daughters, in the pioneer groups, or “Youth League” for a cultural experience. Watch these chumps come back wearing the trademark red scarfs trying to make it the “in” thing to do.

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