ComEd to pay $200M over bribery, Illinois speaker Michael Madigan(D) implicated – IOTW Report

ComEd to pay $200M over bribery, Illinois speaker Michael Madigan(D) implicated

Popular Crime:

CHICAGO (AP) — Electric utility ComEd has agreed to pay $200 million to resolve a federal criminal investigation into a long-running bribery scheme that implicates Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, federal prosecutors announced Friday.

The company has admitted that it arranged jobs, subcontracted work and monetary payments related to those jobs “for various associates of a high-level elected official for the state of Illinois,” the U.S. Attorney’s office said in a news release.

That elected official is identified as “Public Official A” in the release. A deferred prosecution agreement for ComEd filed in federal court states that “Public Official A” is the Illinois House Speaker, but Madigan — the the longest-serving state House speaker in modern American history — is not mentioned by name.

Madigan’s spokesman, Steve Brown, couldn’t be reached for comment Friday and didn’t immediately respond to a voice message.

The U.S. Attorney’s office scheduled a Friday afternoon news conference “to announce developments in a public corruption investigation.” more here

10 Comments on ComEd to pay $200M over bribery, Illinois speaker Michael Madigan(D) implicated

  1. what’s that you say, yet another shitcago politician is dirty….. goes back to eating my popcorn.

    let me know when you find an honest politician from shitcago because THAT would be some REAL news!!!

  2. @Redgrandma July 17, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    > “If true he should resign.”

    Didn’t know they’d graduated from The Special Olympics, to The Special Governance.

  3. Finally, this unscrupulous fucker and his family have been running government bribe rackets for years. Everybody knew it but far too many were in on it that’s why there has never been a serious investigation until now. While seeing him implicated is nice it’s not a an indictment. Yet. I hope the fucker is spilling his guts in a vain hope of getting a no jail time deal and spends at least 10 years in prison. I suspect he could also put Obama and the wifey in the legal spotlight. He knows where just about where all the bodies are buried so lets hope he doesn’t get “Epsteined”.

  4. There is no end to democrat corruption, because corruption and perversion is the ONLY reason the democrat party exists!

    The GOP, on the other hand, has punks like romney and the now-fortuately-dead mccain and mcconnell to put on shows us, and stab us in the back as they get their piece of the corruption pie. (Sexual dalliances in the Epstein palace is reserved for bill clinton and big donors – but not republicans – they have to bathe themselves in fake tan lotion (like boehner) to even try and get laid.

    The democrat party has raised an army of lunatics, mostly young women. We have to crush it before it destroys us. LITERALLY destroys us.

  5. This guy is the single most corrupt politician IN THE COUNTRY.
    – And that’s a very high bar.
    This guy has almost single-handidly destroyed Illinois politically and fiscally, causing Illinois to lose more people than any other state.
    – All in an effort to solidify his personal power base and to enrich himself
    – The man is psychotic with his pursuit of power.

  6. That’s exactly right MR A. He has been a 1 man crime wave for decades and now that his daughter!!! is IL AG, tell me how he’s going to get anything more then his knuckles rapped.

    IL has a clause in the state constitution that says that the pensions of government employees can not be reduced for any reason and will be paid first, before any other debts. Guess who ramrodded that? yeah

    It’s shameful that he keeps getting reelected but you get the government you vote for. IL is like so many other states where a couple well populated counties keep sending the same scumbags to their state houses and they keep passing more & more onerous legislation.

    Representation? Give me a fucking break.


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