Comedian Turns Down University Gig After Being Asked To Sign ‘Behavioral Agreement’ – IOTW Report

Comedian Turns Down University Gig After Being Asked To Sign ‘Behavioral Agreement’

DC: A comedian turned down a London-based university gig after the school asked him to sign a “behavioral agreement” before the performance.

Russian-born comedian Kinstantin Kisin received the agreement from the event’s organizer, university society UNICEF on Campus, along with an invitation to perform at London’s School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), according to BBC. He tweeted that the contract “nearly” made him “puke.”

The “no tolerance policy” listed several topics including “racism, sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia or anti-religion or anti-atheism. If any such topic was covered, it must be done in a “respectful and non-abusive way.”

Kisin told Radio 1 Newsbeat, “I just think it reflects an attitude among a group of people — people at university, particularly —  where it seems that they have become places of indoctrination rather than learning. Students are being taught to prevent offense rather than to seek truth and pursue experiences.” MORE

8 Comments on Comedian Turns Down University Gig After Being Asked To Sign ‘Behavioral Agreement’

  1. I guess they wouldn’t like my joke about the old black lesbian Wiccan broad in the ghetto kicking the shit out of the one-armed Yemeni jihadi because he tossed a bomb into the GBLTQ atheists throwing rocks at the revival meeting tent.

  2. I’m driving my 93 year old Mom home and we started discussing the increase in SS benefits. She said it was better but would be offset by the increase in her supplemental. I said like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Without skipping a beat she says: But robbing Peter makes him sore. And nobody wants to do business with a sore peter. I almost drove off the road. Think that joke would fly these days?

  3. Little boxes made of ticky tacky….
    And the people in the houses all went to the university,
    And they all get put in boxes, and they all come out the same.
    The very Leftists who protested against conformity a half century ago are now in charge of University mind control!!
    Bullying kids – how nice…


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