Comer Says He Expects to Uncover $20-$30 Million in Illicit Payments Made to Biden Crime Family – IOTW Report

Comer Says He Expects to Uncover $20-$30 Million in Illicit Payments Made to Biden Crime Family


House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Thursday said he expects to uncover $20-$30 million in illicit payments made to the Biden Crime Family.

“If this is all true about a sitting president – when he was vice president – influence peddling, accepting money from foreign nationals so that he could turn around and make changes in policy for America so he could pocket the money. If that’s true, why isn’t he impeached already?” Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo asked Comer. “And if it’s true that the FBI is doing nothing about it, why isn’t [FBI Director] Christopher Wray on his heels as well?” Comer described the FBI as “an organization in disarray.”

12 Comments on Comer Says He Expects to Uncover $20-$30 Million in Illicit Payments Made to Biden Crime Family

  1. Are the global elite fixin to through the Bidens under the bus?
    The media ignores all the evidence and business continues as DC usual.
    So whose the replacement?
    Harris, McCarthy, Murray, Blinken, Yellen
    Doesn’t look good.

  2. The dumb shit didn’t launder his boodle through Netflix shows and book deals like the Clintons and 0bama did. Biden* is corrupt and incompetent in one convenient package.

  3. Sure he is,🤞, Comer at least we hope this to be true. To prove this we/the Republican House are willing to just let America all fall to pieces.

  4. Where’s the money? My guess is that a portion was used to buy insurance policies. The insurance money was spread around throughout D.C. The policies read; you take me down, I take you with me.

    Mutually assured destruction.

    Who didn’t get a share? Trump is on that list and I suspect it’s a very short list.

  5. Still no word on HRC’s illicit hundreds of $millions from selling classified documents to foreign gov’ts through the shit-house server?
    And no word on how Pelosi’s gross worth quadrupled when she became Speaker?
    And no word on how Obola went from a gross worth of $250,000 to $40 million in 8 years making $450,000/yr.?

    Well, ain’t that something?

    If all the shit is cleaned out of DC it’ll be a ghost town.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This filthy, corrupt, worthless Piece Of Shit has been on the take over half a century. Like unexploded WWII ordinence, we’re gonna be finding Biden bombs for the next 50 years! A million dollars here, 3 million there, 20 – 30 million to the Biden Crime Outfit… trust me when I tell ya, we ain’t dont yet!!

  7. And guess what? Not a GD thing will happen to him or his entire crime family. They have a “D” after their name, and in today’s America that is a get out of jail free initial.
    They’ll end up sending Trump to prison for jaywalking back in 1997, but any democrat can do anything and never pay a price for it.
    That’s a true dictatorship


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