Comeuppance for The Conners – IOTW Report

Comeuppance for The Conners

American Thinker: Trying to slop the public with weak television fare after firing its star, Roseanne Barr, over a bad tweet, ABC’s post-Roseanne ‘The Conners’ is not doing well in the ratings. According to Roger Friedman’s Showbiz 411:

“The Conners” dropped in everything last night–total viewers, key demo. In the nightly ratings battle. the “Roseanne” spin off continues to trend downward.

Last night, “The Conners” was beaten by everything- “NCIS,” “The Voice,” etc. This was their first really objective run, no World Series, nothing to distract potential viewers.

But the key demo sank, which isn’t a good sign. And the total viewers were down by 180K, which is a lot, frankly. People are leaving and they’re not coming back.

This, despite the gushing reviews from the leftwing press about how good the Roseanne-free show was.

‘The Conners’ Is Almost Sweet Enough to Make Up for the ‘Roseanne’ Fiasco -Daily Beast

Without Roseanne, ‘The Conners’ move on with a new family dynamic that’s sharp, funny and cuts deep -Los Angeles Times

‘Roseanne’ Re-do Fills a TV Void -Rolling Stone

The latter’s subhed gushed this:

The ghost of Roseanne Barr hung over its premiere, but strong writing and performances make this potentially awkward revamp one of fall’s most promising new series

Oh. And now we learn the audience is avoiding this show like a bad smell.

18 Comments on Comeuppance for The Conners

  1. I wonder what the Beast, LATimes, Rolling Stone and all the rest when the Connors is removed for “retooling” never to be seen again. I’d also like to know which of the ABC execs were/are going to be thrown under the bus as a sacrifice to the shareholders.

  2. LOL! The market wins and the childish, socialism indoctrinated ABC execs, once again witness Marxist virtue signaling is an epic failure. Not a Rosanne fan but what ABC did to her was asinine.

  3. Wasn’t it Michelle Obama who called one of her high ranking peeps at ABC to tell her the O’s wanted Roseanne fired and the show cancelled?

    Can’t wait to see what highly insightful and intelligent decisions Barry and Michelle make at Nutflix. Pass the popcorn……………..

  4. Replacing Rosanne with The Conners is like replacing Sanford & Son with Lamont & Grady. There’s the comic talent, and then there’s the straight people to provide targets for the talent. Nobody wants to see the straight people without the comic talent.

  5. I Love Vivian, Nope
    Leave it to Lumpy, Nope
    “ABC, you dummy.” – Fred
    I thought the bitch was Iranian too.
    Zira was a white girl, Kim Hunter, in the movie.

  6. No surprise here; happened before.
    When Sandy Duncan left her sitcom, it went down the tubes too.
    Main characters ARE the show; the rest are supporting characters – without a focus character, WTH are supporting characters supporting?
    And then ABC dumps a successful show like “Last Man Standing”, which became so successful in syndication that hey, Fox is starting a new season tonight.
    Glad I don’t hold Disney stock.


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