Comey Admits He Orchestrated Leaks To New York Times – IOTW Report

Comey Admits He Orchestrated Leaks To New York Times

DC: Former FBI Director James Comey acknowledged that he orchestrated the leak of a memorandum detailing his private interactions with President Donald Trump during testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Thursday morning.

“I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter,” Comey said. “I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons.”

He added that he did so in hopes that his account might spur the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign’s contacts with elements of the Russian government, and any subsequent cover up.

The leak to The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt appears to have come by way of Daniel Richman, a Columbia Law School professor and close friend of the former director. The New Yorker describes Richman as Comey’s “unofficial media surrogate.”

Comey told Maine GOP Sen. Collins that he transmitted the memos to TheNYT through a friend at Columbia Law School.

At the hearing’s conclusion, the president’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, told reporters that Comey conceded to making unauthorized disclosures to undermine the president.

“Today, Mr. Comey admitted that he unilaterally and surreptitiously made unauthorized disclosures to the press of privileged communications with the President,” he said.  read more

See also:

11 Things We Learned From Comey’s Testimony-

22 Comments on Comey Admits He Orchestrated Leaks To New York Times

  1. These are official documents created on Government time as FBI Director. They reflect confidential consultations with the POTUS in the Oval Office. Matters so confidential the office was cleared by POTUS request.

    They are not Comey’s to release to anyone, especially not to third parties outside government. With specific instructions to leak them to partisan “friendly” press.

    Several crimes here. Both by Comey and by his buddy Columbia law professor,,,

  2. After eight years and more of the FBI’s failure to call out obama on all the ways in which he compromised our nat’l security, including, especially, his lackadaisical attitude toward crime in general, I about spewed my coffee this morning listening to comey’s “City on a Hill” speech. Comey should change *his* name to “Fantasy Comey.”

  3. I try to look at it this way: If Trump had fired Comey in his first days in office, we would not have seen how depraved, juvenile and ethically challenged the Director of the FBI was, nor just how inured he’d become to believing his own BS. Trump saw this and I’m glad he fooled comey into believing his job was safe — all while Trump was sharpening the axe. Comey made such a total ass of himself, and all because he just couldn’t come to grips with the fact that not everyone agreed with his own high opinion of himself. Pride goeth before a fall.

  4. And CTH has added these:

    1. Comey said he leaked his WH dinner conversation to his Columbia U. friend on 5/15 in response to Trump’s tweet about maybe having a tape of the conversation. But at least one person tweeted about the subject on 5/11 — the tweet about Trump asking comey for “loyalty.”

    2. comey said he briefed the Gang of 8 about there not being an open investigation of Trump and yet the four D members of that Gang have all told the media that Trump was definitely under investigation.

  5. Instead of heaping fawning praise on Comey, I wish just one republican had the balls to start his questioning with an outline of all of Comey’s shady dealings:
    1. (While at the DOJ in the 90’s) Clearing Bill Clinton of wrongdoing in the Marc Rich pardon.
    2. As head attorney for Lockheed-martin, he approved millions of dollars in contributions to the Clinton Crime foundation in exchange for lucrative government contracts.
    3. Comey gets named Director and board member of HSBC Holdings which was involved in a huge scandal laundering money for Mexican drug cartels and Saudi terrorist funding. HSBC was a huge Clinton foundation donor. It’s problems went away thanks to Comey’s efforts.

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