Comey admits that he knew Hillary paid for the dossier but kept that crucial information from his boss, President Trump – IOTW Report

Comey admits that he knew Hillary paid for the dossier but kept that crucial information from his boss, President Trump

DC: Who was James Comey really working for when he was FBI Director under President Trump? It certainly wasn’t President Trump.

In fact, by all appearances and according to what we already know, Comey was working for the Barack Hussein/Clinton cabal, i.e., the Deep State, i.e., the swamp!

Check out the following exchange between Comey and George Stephanopoulos, during which Comey openly admits that he knew that the infamous Trump Dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton and he kept this vital information from his boss, President Trump. Does anyone need further proof to determine to whom Comey was loyal?

Stephanopoulos: “Did you tell him[Trump] that the Steele dossier had been financed by his political opponents?”

Comey: “No, I didn’t.”  MORE

6 Comments on Comey admits that he knew Hillary paid for the dossier but kept that crucial information from his boss, President Trump

  1. They mostly all cavort about up there in DC with the smug attitude that they’ll never be held to account. Maybe it’s because they hold enough dirt on one another to leverage a free pass. But it’s clear this jerk needs someone to plant his big ass in prison.

  2. If he had done this to Obama, he’d of been audited by the IRS, forced out of his house by the EPA, fined by OSHA and arrested for endangering a protected species by the Forestry Department.

    All Trump did was fire the bastard.

  3. I hope no one thinks that they only do this kind of stuff to presidential candidates who can marshal the resources to fight back.

    It’s past time to abolish the FBI and create something to focus on solving crimes instead of the police state hall monitor arm of the Democrat Party that exists today.

  4. @Dr. Tar April 14, 2018 at 7:57 am

    How could they justify expending all those carefully managed people’s resources, after finding all that kiddy porn on his computer? Just like Al Capone, a conviction is a conviction.


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