Comey fears investigation into FBI bias – IOTW Report

Comey fears investigation into FBI bias

Dan Bongino: Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey said he fears–“as a citizen”–a counter investigation into the DOJ and FBI’s shamefully biased probe of the Trump-Russia hoax investigation claiming it’s a “terrible cycle to start.”

In an interview which aired yesterday, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked Comey whether he “feared” a counter investigation into himself and the FBI.

‘I don’t fear it personally,” he said.  “I fear it as a citizen, right? Investigate what? Investigate that investigations were conducted? What would be the crime you’d be investigating?” Comey asked.  more

12 Comments on Comey fears investigation into FBI bias

  1. What would be the crime you’d be investigating?” Comey asked.

    Funny how Comey and his criminal associates didn’t bother to ask that same question before wasting $30 million on the failed coup attempt against the duly elected president, Donald J. Trump.

  2. To think that he was the head of the FBI makes me ill. There’s nothing that even remotely justifies his nutty talk and behavior, except that he is just not right in his head.


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