Comey Hires Sketchy Patrick Fitzgerald to Help With Probable Criminal Defense – IOTW Report

Comey Hires Sketchy Patrick Fitzgerald to Help With Probable Criminal Defense

CTH: Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is the godfather of one of James Comey’s kids.  Additionally, Fitzgerald was the prosecutor of recently pardoned Lewis “Scooter” Libby. Fitzgerald was also the person who Lisa Page and Peter Strzok recommended in their text messages debating the possible need for a special counsel looking into the actions of Hillary Clinton.

In short, Fitzgerald is a sketchy lawyer, dependable confidant, personal friend and like-minded political fixer for any/all legal issues within the circle of the ‘small group’ of co-conspirators; the crew who politicized and weaponized the DOJ and FBI to target their political opposition.  According to recent reports, Fitzgerald has also been hired by James Comey in advance of possible criminal indictment(s).  read more

9 Comments on Comey Hires Sketchy Patrick Fitzgerald to Help With Probable Criminal Defense

  1. to be referred to as the godfather of one of James Comey’s kids is not anything i’d be bragging about into political environment at this time if i was patty fitzgerald. in todays climate, it would be more of a nail in a coffin than a feather in the hat. but then again, i’m not irish, so no kisses please.
    here’s some funny info:
    and then there’s this:
    it all smells like enron, something big is about to happen.

  2. Why does that skunk Fitzgerald still have a job in the first place? The malicious prosecution of Libby was just one of his outrageous acts. At the very least he should no longer have a license to practice law. Where is the accountability?


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