Comey – Mueller Bromance Comes Under Scrutiny – IOTW Report

Comey – Mueller Bromance Comes Under Scrutiny

[…] “Three Republican House Oversight Committee members on Friday called for an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller for acting in a partisan manner and applying double standards when it came to the Obama and Trump administrations.

“So far, they said, of the dozen people named to Mueller’s team, ‘none have similarly supported Republican presidential candidates.’

“’The House has a responsibility to defend the deeply-held American principle of equal justice under the law. That’s why we believe it’s time for the House to have hearings on the troubling matter of the motivation and organization of this investigation,’ they wrote.  more 

10 Comments on Comey – Mueller Bromance Comes Under Scrutiny

  1. James Comey and Robert Mueller are partisan, have and will apply the long standing double standards for the elite.
    Bring in a lap dog of the elite to investigate a lap dog of the elite…..that’s creative.

  2. Trump needs to replace Deep State Mueller and task the replacement with hard prison time for Lynch/Comey/Obama/Holder/Clinton/DNC.

    Enough with playing pattycake with the Deep State Stealth Coup. Time to arrest the coup plotters now and let military tribunals at Gitmo select the mode of execution.

    POTUS needs to concentrate on NoKo and nuclear Iran, among others.

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