Comey Received Word of Firing From TV Reports, Thought It Was a Joke – IOTW Report

Comey Received Word of Firing From TV Reports, Thought It Was a Joke


WFB: FBI Director James Comey thought it was a prank when he first heard that he had been fired on television on Tuesday.

Comey reportedly laughed at the news reports of his termination before his staffers confirmed it was true as he was speaking to FBI employees in Los Angeles, the Hill and New York Times report. TV screens behind Comey began to show the news.


25 Comments on Comey Received Word of Firing From TV Reports, Thought It Was a Joke

  1. sorry had to clean my coffee spillage up after that.

    the funny thing about it all is that potus let him go to la la land and fired him in the midst of his talk to the fbi recruits. what a schmuck comey is. HAHA how befitting for his end.

    potus: yeah ya, go ahead to la la land and we’ll talk after you return. lol

    comey: yes, we’ll talk after i return. that went well. see you later mister potus, have a great weekend. du du dut dut du. la la land, here i come.


  2. The FBI head merits a motorcade? Even a factotum is now considered royalty in this country! Does that also mean that Maxine Waters merits her own grooming monkey paid for by the tax payers?

  3. Absolutely perfect timing. While the that was out of the nest. Now when he clears his office, someone will escort him to ensure he doesn’t take items not belonging to him.

    President Trump knows exactly what he is doing.

  4. “thought it was a prank”

    like the prank he pulled when he listed hillary’s crimes and then said she wasn’t prosecutable for them because she had no intent ?

  5. Many top officials conveniently forget they “serve at the pleasure of the President “.

    Comey’s no-notice firing sends a shockwave. Public firing, not a dignified “resignation” with cushy next post provided? Perfect message.

  6. He could have been fired face-to-face if he had stayed in DC and done his job and not been ego tripping on a speaking tour. He should have been forced to pay his own way back home. Put all his shit in a cardboard box and leave it on the front steps of the FBI. And be sure to change the locks.

  7. He’s a commie apparatchik than ran interference for Obamugabe then Beastcunt by subverting and nearly destroying the FBI. There are many more infiltrators in the Agency. It’s taken them years to get there.

    Start with the 13 soldiers murdered by Nidal Hasan at Ft. Hood; the FBI had emails of his correspondence with Anwar al-Awlaki a year before the massacre, Robert Mueller was FBI Director.

    They’re everywhere in government. Commiey is just one drip out of the Swamp.

  8. The left hated Comey with a passion because they said he cost hillary a job, and now they’re all, “this is un Constitutional!!!111” HAHAHAHAHA President gets to fire and hire, doofuses! Deal with it. *dark glasses*

  9. Comey deserved to be fired.

    the same day Obama’s slopbucket girl, Dept of Justice Attorney general Loretta Lynch, met with disgraced ex-President Bill Clinton in a secret meeting aboard a private jet, Comey should have consulted his Man Card and called for a Grand Jury to indict Hillary Clinton for her illegal email scheme.

    And Democrat Party leftists can go fuck themselves with their Not My President and Resistance bullshit – IT WAS HILLARY CLINTON’S CONSCIOUS, KNOWING DECISION TO SET UP AN ILLEGAL PRIVATE SERVER & EMAIL SYSTEM WHILST SERVING AS SECSTATE. If she had played by the rules she wouldnt have had to defend/ cover up against all the email scandals.

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