Comey Refuses To Comment On Rosenstein Wearing A Wire To Tape Trump – IOTW Report

Comey Refuses To Comment On Rosenstein Wearing A Wire To Tape Trump



Former FBI Director James Comey refused to answer reporters Friday if he knew anything about reports that U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wore a wire to record President Donald Trump.

Comey, who was testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee, spoke to reporters after testifying behind closed doors for nearly four and a half hours.

Reporters asked him if members of the committee questioned him about the reports of Rosenstein wearing a wire in a May meeting with Trump, after Comey was fired by the president.

The former FBI director said “I can’t comment on that,” in response to the question.


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8 Comments on Comey Refuses To Comment On Rosenstein Wearing A Wire To Tape Trump

  1. As long as Washington elites are allowed to escape our laws the closer we get to s mass revolt by citizens who are tired of it all. When it hits the fan we can look to those who stood by silently and did nothing.

  2. That seems like an oddball question coming from the NPC media. Why would they be asking Comey about Rosenstein and the wire? It seems like the last thing they’d be asking, because it’s a good question. Maybe there is something in Comey’s emails which damns them both.

  3. The committee ought to release the transcripts of every question Comey refused to answer along with any comments made by his lawyers as regards to the question. Show the public what kind of slithering little traitor Comey actually is. It’s not quite as fun as forcing him to publicly take the 5th but close and would show the people what Trump is fighting against.

  4. Tie him to a chair – naked.
    Interrogate him in a more “serious” manner.
    Use an old hand-crank phone generator, pliers, and Bernz-O-Matic torch.
    “Can’t?” You “can’t” comment on that? Bet you can …

    Or have him secreted out of the country to … say … Saudi Arabia?

    izlamo delenda est …

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