Comey to Congress: “Who Cares” Who Paid for the Anti-Trump Dossier – IOTW Report

Comey to Congress: “Who Cares” Who Paid for the Anti-Trump Dossier

Dan Bongino: Former FBI Director James Comey doesn’t seem to think it’s important who paid for the salacious, unverified anti-Trump dossier.

When asked by Congressman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) who paid for the document during yesterday’s closed-door interview, Comey replied, “Who cares?”

Meadows tweeted today just after the transcript of Comey’s interview was released to the public:

I asked Director Comey about who paid for the dossier.

His response:

1) Republicans paid for it — (Republicans did not pay for it)

2) “Who cares?” Yes, this is an FBI Director apparently not caring to know who paid for information used to surveil Americans with a FISA warrant.”

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15 Comments on Comey to Congress: “Who Cares” Who Paid for the Anti-Trump Dossier

  1. Proof of a two tiered justice system. He can strut around like a rooster without consequence aided and abetted by the media, fox included, and America just turns a blind eye. I recognize tyranny when I see it. Sadly the pols that we elect can’t, or refuse to do anything about it. There’s a ruling class and then there’s America. We’ve been outnumbered.

  2. If you don’t mind Bob, I prefer the approved method of ridding oneself of a tyrant.
    Piano wire and a lamppost, or French style, guillotine.
    Anyway you look at it, he’s gonna shit himself.

  3. Federal law enforcement is working for the Democratic Party. They’re all in for permanently getting rid of the republicans. Why would Comey care about anything to do with this hearing?

  4. This is not the type of biological male who should have ever worked at the FBI. Much less, been the head of it.

    Third tier mean girl hanging on by her fingernails is more his speed.

    Couple this with the Brennans and Clappers and it is not a stretch to say good people would not ever be hired by the FBI or CIA with that kind of commie scum in charge.

  5. Ummmm. perhaps I have not paid enough attention to the MSM (none), but having read a number of the twitter comments associated with this post……. what exactly have I missed about PDJT being guilty of multiple felonies?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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