Comey: “Totally Normal” to Plant Undercover Sources in Political Campaigns – IOTW Report

Comey: “Totally Normal” to Plant Undercover Sources in Political Campaigns

Bongino: Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey said it is “reasonable” and “totally normal” to plant undercover investigators in political campaigns.

Speaking at a CNN town hall last night, Comey was asked if Azra Turk, the woman who posed as Stefan Halper’s assistant to seduce George Papadopoulos was “spying” on the campaign.

“Yeah, I’m not going to comment on a particular investigative step, because that’s for the bureau to do, and I’m not in the government any longer, but the FBI doesn’t spy to begin with. The FBI investigates. And you got to remember where we were in the end of July 2016,” Comey said.

“We knew the Russians were engaged in a massive effort to attack our democracy, and then we learn from an allied ambassador that one of President Trump-elect — candidate Trump’s advisers had been talking to a Russian representative long before that about dirt they had on Hillary Clinton that the Russians wanted to make available,” he continued.

Anderson Cooper asked Comey, “You said it’s not spying. Why do you think Attorney General Barr used the word ‘spying’ which is obviously the word the president has used as well?”

“The only explanation I can think of is he used it because the president used it, which is really disappointing. He knows better than that, and knows that the FBI conducts electronic surveillance by going to federal judges and getting warrants based on probable cause,” the former FBI Director said.

Cooper pressed, “But sending an investigator undercover to meet with somebody who is connected to the campaign, they claimed he was later on just a coffee boy. That is an extreme step, no?”

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21 Comments on Comey: “Totally Normal” to Plant Undercover Sources in Political Campaigns

  1. This is going to get real interesting as the rat bastards start turning on each other. There is enough evidence in the public realm already to recognize that this has the potential to be a bloodbath.

  2. Technically, there is a difference of “spying” and “surveillance”. Spying is surveillance of an enemy during time of war. Surveillance is gathering evidence for a particular purpose, not necessarily during time of war with an enemy.

  3. Then it’s perfectly normal to spend some time in prison for planting undercover sources in political campaigns.
    besides, it was Hillary that was in league with the Russians, dolt.

  4. It’s time for comey to write another book, isn’t it?

    What can you say that hasn’t already been said about a million times? What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Held true when I was a child and endures to this day.

  5. These people do not know right from wrong, and they are supposed to uphold our US Constitution ??
    They think that infanticide is OK. They think that trashing a man’s reputation based on 30-year-old lies is OK. They think that selling uranium to the enemy is OK.
    They have NO moral compass… in fact, they have NO morals whatsoever, so why bother with a compass?
    Why bother with an oath to uphold any document? They do not believe in oaths (honesty), nor do they believe in the Constitution (rule of law).
    ‘The Swamp’ is too kind of a word for these people.

  6. From his perspective and experience, it was indeed totally normal. It had been going on for years. Business as usual.

    Illegal, unethical, corrupt, power-solidifying, indictable, prosecutable, imprisonable, and, for swampoids, totally normal.

  7. AbigailAdams: Comey probably needs to write another book because he didn’t make anything off the other one except for the copies that Soros paid for.

    He should take lessons from Bernie Sanders on how to become a millionaire by writing books.

  8. RadioMattM — Yeah! I was thinking it’s time for him to write another book because what he’s doing on the Town Hall circuit doesn’t seem to be paying and dividends for him. Not that a new book would, either, but it might be a better waste of his time than this.

  9. Well, now that we’ve been enlightened that it’s OK, I’m sure nobody will mind when the current Administration uses the FBI, NSA, and CIA to, uhh, do some “surveillance” on all the Dem 2020 contenders, yes? I mean, since it’s totally normal and all.

  10. Oh it was spying alright.
    The demonrats and deep state bureaucrats view Trump as the enemy and have declared a war to if possible stop him from becoming president or if that plan failed to oust him from office. Making it not surveillance but spying.

    The crazier, more irrational, and more corrupt they behave intensely highlights the proof of why a president like Trump is needed.

  11. TDVANN
    The first part of your ? is still in process, not done.
    the second part has a clear, precise answer – When J. Edgar left!

    Which is why I’vs said all “intelligence/security agencies should be defunded, all workers fired.

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