Comey Wasn’t Snookered, He Knew Russian Doc. Was Fake, But Used It As Excuse Anyway – IOTW Report

Comey Wasn’t Snookered, He Knew Russian Doc. Was Fake, But Used It As Excuse Anyway

TheLid: Earlier this week we reported that because the FBI received a secret Russian document describing an email indicating that the Justice Dept. would not try to hard to win the case against Hillary Clinton, then-FBI director Comey was snookered into making his speech that Ms. Clinton was probably guilty but no prosecutor would press charges against her. The Washington Post had reported the document was not only unreliable but possibly a Russian ruse “according to people familiar with its contents.”

Now CNN reports that Comey wasn’t snookered, he knew the document was fake BEFORE he made the speech letting HRC off the hook. He snookered the FBI, the Justice Dept., and congress by using it as an excuse for making the speech.  more

12 Comments on Comey Wasn’t Snookered, He Knew Russian Doc. Was Fake, But Used It As Excuse Anyway

  1. did POS Comey started all this Russian crap utilizing documents he knew to be false? He must have been desperate to get out of the corner he’d painted himself into as he apparently had no regard for the consequences or how it would affect others. he should be charged with treason at least.

  2. That was the fastest retcon I have ever seen. The web is getting tangled. Why didn’t they go with this new narrative originally? Somebody’s lawyers must have missed something on the first go-round.

  3. Comey not only undermined the probe of the Hillary investigation and the Justice Department, Comey destroyed faith and trust in the Justice System of the US.

    Politics as usual protected Hillary, she was too big to jail.
    Venezuela runs their Justice system the same way, the socialist elite are untouchable.

  4. Comey was trying to position himself to leverage a bigger slice of Clinton payola.

    Tricky game. He’s not the first to overplay his hand.
    Ryan’s making the same mistakes. Likely the same outcome.

    Half clever.

  5. CNN.
    This is just spin, at least that’s how I see it.
    Sure, it is the Russians, again. Bullshit.
    I’m sticking with the concept that the email is real, and DOJ really was squashing any investigation into clinton.
    Comey isn’t a ‘hero.’ He participated in shenanigans to overthrow our democratically elected government. CNN is just trying to run cover for these traitors.
    If clinton had won, and they thought she would, none of this would have ever come to light. But she lost, and things are going to fall apart or be dismantled. They’re freaked, and are going to be tossing bigger whoppers than this one.
    Keep digging!

  6. I didn’t need an FBI investigation to tell you LAST YEAR,
    that this Comey weasel deserves to be charged and thus all his sponsors ferreted out, up to and including the top people in the anti-American regime, ie the Clintons, Obola, and entrenched Senate leaders of both parties (wink,wink-they are really one Party).

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