Comey weeps over FBI’s Jim Baker stepping down – IOTW Report

Comey weeps over FBI’s Jim Baker stepping down

FOX: Former FBI Director James Comey defended the bureau’s recently reassigned top lawyer and suggested the move was political.

“Sadly, we are now at a point in our political life when anyone can be attacked for partisan gain,” Comey tweeted Friday night.

Comey, who was fired by President Trump earlier this year, tweeted, “James Baker, who is stepping down as FBI General Counsel, served our country incredibly well for 25 years & deserves better. He is what we should all want our public servants to be.” more

SNIP: Are Comey and Pelosi becoming twins? lol.


WaPo Report: FBI Asst. Director “Andy” McCabe Wants To Retire in March 2018.

It is important to remember the Washington Post is the unofficial public relations outfit of the U.S. intelligence community: FBI, CIA, etc.  When a leaked source, or insider release of information appears within the Washington Post, it is there by collaboration with the intelligence community.

That said, the story today about Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe planning to retire in March 2018, should be viewed as the WaPo attempting to create leverage for McCabe to retain his position up to his pension eligibility.  It is NOT coincidental that Inspector General Michael Horowitz is planning to release his Year-Long OIG report outlining his investigative details into the politicization of the FBI and DOJ.    MORE

22 Comments on Comey weeps over FBI’s Jim Baker stepping down

  1. Too many lawyers in the FBI anyway. They are supposed to be an investigative agency. Yanno’, like actual professional cops? But a whole shitload of ’em are lawyers first.

    We have a Justice Department for that. That tells the FBI what to investigate and return those results to actual lawyers there.

    This shit ain’t hard. Why has this gotten so phucked up?

  2. “Sadly, we are now at a point in our political life when anyone can be attacked for partisan gain,” Comey tweeted Friday night.

    Where the hell have you been for the Obama 8-year reign? Fool.

  3. Trump tweeted:
    FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!

    LOL – our POTUS is a master troll. Love the question mark. Sounds like McCabe won’t make it to 90 days.

  4. All is being exposed. The corruption of leftism is backed into a corner and has nowhere to run. Panic is ensuing. Their only option is violence or surrender and I don’t think it will be the latter. Stay locked and loaded.

  5. Their attitude is “no one would dare do that to me” regarding their pensions.

    Lying to a congressional inquiry qualifies under the Hiss Act. The closer they are to retirement, the more they have to lose. Plus tougher to find wor afterwards.

    Make it so.

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