Coming at 8pm: The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog – IOTW Report

Coming at 8pm: The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog

I’m sitting in a hotel in Massachusetts. Tomorrow, I’ll be driving north to have breakfast with Marco Rubio, then I’ll be off to a town hall with Ted Cruz.

Tonight, however, I’ll be spending the evening with you fine folks live blogging the GOP debate. This debate will be, potentially, extremely influential in Tuesday’s primary.

I’ll be looking for attacks levied against Marco Rubio and whether Donald Trump will unload on Ted Cruz or vice versa.

Also, I’ve had the TV on for five minutes, and I’ve already seen two ads that I haven’t seen before. One was with Marco Rubio saying he wants your vote. The other was about Jeb Bush, calling him pathetic and over the hill.

Please join me at 8 and let’s have some fun!

10 Comments on Coming at 8pm: The IOTW GOP Debate Liveblog

  1. Interesting. Seems I just received an email from Marco RubicsCubio and the email appeared to be using my address that I gave the RNC once long ago. Seems the Republican establishment is assisting him at least a little in the fund raising department. Deleted it right away. It’s a reflex action when it comes to that address since most of what I get is RNC bull hockey there.

  2. why…WHY???? did the stupid-assed republicans agree to have a debate with these socialist progtards?????

    we might as well have Van Jones, Whoop Eye Goldigger, ever-stupid Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon & George Soros in the commentator group

  3. oooh, look ….. Lindsay & McCain …. not half as funny as the two old farts in the balcony on the Muppett Show …. when’s Topo Gegio on? … after the jugglers come on?

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