Coming Soon?: Your Toilet Will Spy On You – IOTW Report

Coming Soon?: Your Toilet Will Spy On You

Toilet-tattling? Trump COVID adviser criticizes ‘smart toilet’ proposal for COVID testing.

Just The News:

With the CDC reportedly withholding the vast majority of its collected data on COVID-19, Stanford University radiology and urology faculty are proposing a futuristic — some might argue dystopian — mechanism for state and local governments to fill in the gap.

Because SARS-CoV-2 RNA “can be found in faecal matter,” they propose a “smart toilet platform” that can passively monitor COVID surges, “enabling earlier detection of infected individuals and promoting public health.”

Published on Wednesday in the Nature journal npj Digital Medicine, the five researchers pitch the toilet-tattling as a response to the “psychological fatigue” experienced by populations repeatedly being subject to swab tests for two years. They note China’s practice of anal swabs has not caught on “due to its intrusive and unpleasant nature.”

While the researchers acknowledge the proposal “will require serious considerations on the ethics and privacy front,” they emphasize that their “Coronavirus: Integrated Diagnostic (COV-ID) toilet” system would provide “more granular estimations” of virus prevalence than wastewater analysis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just started publishing state-submitted wastewater data in February. more

35 Comments on Coming Soon?: Your Toilet Will Spy On You

  1. Time to go all Shakespeare/Elizabethan.

    Shit in a bucket & toss it out onto the street Below.
    Seems to be working fine in San FrancisIstan.

  2. The government CARES about your health, don’t you know? So much so that they will think of bigger and better ways of spying on every aspect of your life. Just another way that Grandpa Pedo shows he loves you all.

  3. So……simple “solution”……..a cup of Clorox down the bowl before every flush. Let sit a few seconds to kill everything. Then flush.
    Read THAT! CDC.

  4. I still like that ad for shitting in a box and mailing it to someone. ColoGuard.
    Can I send it to my senators or just the White House?

    If the box collapses under my weight, do I need more tape?

  5. Just how do they plan on forcing people to install those things in their house? I’m sure they will pass them out for free and spend a few more trillions of our dollars to do so.

  6. ORWW – “Cash for plunkers?”

    Cash for Commodes?

    If you get one, be sure and don’t put anything else (coke, chicken gravy, dirty cleaning water… etc.) down it as that’ll trigger the COVID COPS to knock on your door.

    “Ah, officer, my kid just dumped PlayDoh down the toilet, honestly. That’s all it was. We don’t use the basement toilet, except the kids.”

    “I’m sorry Ma’am, but your whole family must now be quarantined.”

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