Commander Banned from White House After Series of Biting Incidents – IOTW Report

Commander Banned from White House After Series of Biting Incidents

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, has been removed from the White House campus while the administration evaluates the “next steps” after the dog has been involved in at least 11 recorded biting incidents.

Last month, Commander bit a Security Service agent on White House grounds, marking the 11th known biting incident.

“The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day. They remain grateful for the patience and support of the U.S. Secret Service and all involved, as they continue to work through solutions,” First Lady Jill Biden’s communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement.

“Commander is not presently on the White House campus while next steps are evaluated,” Alexander added. more

21 Comments on Commander Banned from White House After Series of Biting Incidents

  1. I assume, like with children, there are a teeny tiny minority that are born bad, and you can’t do a thing with them. Other than that tiny minority, the dog, as the child, reflects the people caring for it. Children, as they grow up, can identify shithead parents and parental ways and change their own. Dogs don’t get that kind of opportunity. My feelings are with the dog, certainly not the senile pedophile and his adulteress climber of a wife… not speaking of the drug addicted degenerate son yet living… and daughter(s) old Joe queered when they were kids.

  2. Anonymous nailed it with the James Woods quote. It isn’t in the GSD’s DNA to do this so it has to be the environment and the caretakers. Get the dogs into a normal loving environment and I expect the improvement will be quick. I hope they are not given the pink juice. For all we know the Crime Family has added bestiality to its list of accomplishments.

  3. I’m sorry to say but the dog is beyond repair now.

    1) bad training
    2) bad disposition
    3) IF he was a Good Dog he’d be biting the First Family of FUCKUPS

  4. Brandon’s psychoses come shining through again. Always gets German Shepherds, gives them macho names (Major, Champ), and apparently encourages anti-social behavior.

    He needs a Yorkie named Baby Treasure.

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