Commentary: China Needs to Pay Its Debts to Us – IOTW Report

Commentary: China Needs to Pay Its Debts to Us

The Virginia Star:

by Jonathan M. Reck

These decisive words from Donald Trump’s 2017 inaugural speech will shape American political discourse for decades to come:

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes—starting right here, and right now.

The words conveyed during that speech stunned many. It represented a turning point: a focus away from a two-tiered system that benefitted an elite class selling American interests abroad and toward the empowerment of American individuals to create prosperity for themselves in a new era. This marked the Trump presidency: a resolve to cease the excessive concessions made globally and focus on addressing domestic needs and creating opportunity for Americans within the United States.

Ask the more than 74 million voters who supported Trump on November 3 if their standard of living has been raised and no doubt the answer will be a decisive “yes.” This period was marked with a pronounced increase in individual entrepreneurship, record low unemployment (especially among minority communities), and increased personal wealth due to tax reforms.

Yet despite these and many other achievements, one matter remains strangely unresolved at this point: China’s $2 trillion debt to Americans from unpaid defaulted sovereign bonds. What remains unresolved at the conclusion of Trump’s first term is that China has recklessly borrowed massive financial sums during the 20th century from Western countries via sovereign bonds and has refused to repay Americans in particular. more

8 Comments on Commentary: China Needs to Pay Its Debts to Us

  1. Mr. Reck, in those first paragraphs, provides a pretty good summary on why the smart half of the country likes Mr. Trump. What’s baffling is why so many Americans outright hated him. Why was the media so hateful to Trump (and us fellow citizens)? That is baffling to me.

  2. Radicals don’t recognize rules! This was a hostile takeover and no amount of legal wrangling is going to change it back.
    Their goal is to destroy us and that’s what they intent to do.
    The so called reps on our side are in on this farce, so we’re on our own.
    Keep in mind before we decide how to fight back that they are in control of the military and those in upper command were in on this too.

  3. @Mr Anth Ropy

    The public has been conditioned over time and they’ve slept right through this.
    I seriously doubt that there are many that understand what happened even now.
    We’re in deep water!

  4. I’m going to humbly prophesy that China will pay us reparations for what they did and then their CCPee will fall. PRESIDENT Trump is going to pull a Reagan 2.0!

    No way The Nazarene is going to kick Kayleigh out of The White House and replace her with Cunter Biden who screws little kids while mething out.

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