Commie Commie Commie Commie Commie Kamala – IOTW Report

Commie Commie Commie Commie Commie Kamala

Patriot Retort: For getting Karma Chameleon stuck in your head, I apologize. But it seemed a fitting way to introduce the Commie running mate of Joseph “Badakathcare” Biden.

After cackling off the idea that she’s a big, fat Commie just one week ago, yesterday Comrade Kamala Harris revealed her true colors by posting this Happy Face Marxist video on Twitter.

So on 60 Minutes – a show watched primarily by seniors — Commie Kamala laughingly dismissed the notion that she’s a socialist.

Then one week later – two freaking days before the election — she goes full-bore Marxist. more

12 Comments on Commie Commie Commie Commie Commie Kamala

  1. Hitler told the world via Mein Kampf what his intentions were. No one can say they weren’t warned. Ditto these International Socialists. They have made abundantly clear their intentions.

  2. Well, Comalarade Harris is from Comalafornicationstan, after all.

    It’s a good thing she’s not from Comalacolarade where they’re all high and voting for her V.P candidate, Joe Obama-bin-Biden.

  3. This skank shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the White House, let alone the Senate. Thanks California, ya freaks. 🤬
    I’ll forgive you Conservatives who still live there, but not the Rinos. 🤨

  4. My guess is that with all of the early voting and voting by mail, the Democrats have figured that the moderate voters have already cast their ballots and it’s time to go full leftard to try to pull in the Bernie supporters. The idiot fringe of the party is the idiot fringe, and will vote for Joe and his Ho regardless.

  5. Second generation Commie. Father taught Communist Economics at Stanford University. Kalamity is a Jamindian Communist pretending to be a Dementiacrat, among many other things. A shrieking, cackling Commie Banshee from Hell.

  6. The Democrat Party is now officially the ‘Hate America Communist Party’! It is also the largest, best funded and best organized terrorist supporting/enabling organization in the world!


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