Commie West Point Grad Given “Other Than Honorable Discharge” – IOTW Report

Commie West Point Grad Given “Other Than Honorable Discharge”

h/t Merry Poppet.

Gateway Pundit:

[…] SOFREP reported:

Recently, Spenser Rapone re-tweeted a post on Twitter which announced that he would be speaking at a socialist event in July as he was being processed out of the Army this June with an other than honorable discharge. This was likely the harshest punishment the Army could give Rapone unless they decided to charge him with something like sedition. With an other than honorable discharge, Rapone will not be entitled to VA benefits, the GI Bill, and may have difficulties in finding employment.

As an avowed communist, one who is networked with other like-minded individuals, he may find a bit of a safety net after he is discharged from organizations he associates with such as the Democratic Socialists of America Veterans Working Group, which is reputed to be about 150 members strong. None the less, Rapone’s political decisions and judgements will likely follow him long after he separates from the military.

Rapone is scheduled tp speak at the Socialism 2018 conference in Chicago on July 5. MORE

31 Comments on Commie West Point Grad Given “Other Than Honorable Discharge”

  1. Can someone up Shitcago way get some thug blacks to storm the event and shoot up the place. Oh, and if anyone gets hurt, I can guarantee you that I won’t shed any tears.

  2. If the prick goes the way of John Brennan, he’ll do just fine.
    Maybe George Soros has a slot for him? Or Starbucks?

    Philip Nolan: “Man Without a Country.”

  3. It’s still a scandal that this guy got this far. Who else is embedded in the upper echelon of the military with the same ideology, but isn’t an exhibitionist?

  4. Discharge my ass. The commie bastard should get the firing squad. I’ll bet all the people that put THEIR reputation on the line to sponsor this puke are proud of him!

  5. This commie scum bag POS got what he deserved. THANK GOD someone in the CoC figured this out. It’s still bad that he got a degree from the Point. At least he will not be working for the Fed’s State-Local govt.
    except in CA!!!

  6. Before committing suicide, and he will, he and those responsible for his appointment to West Point should have to repay all expenses incurred while at the US Military Academy. Somewhere in America a very fine person was denied admission by the treasonous gay Kenyan commie and his sycophants.

  7. Potstirrer. The scumbag deserved more. He denied another kid an appointment to The Point. (I wonder who his sponsor was?)
    He got a free education.
    He hated America from the git go.
    He should be in Leavenworth.
    What PHenry said. This guy should have been flagged. SOM TIN WONG, BIG TIME.

  8. Who were his sponsors in being admitted in the first place? They should be held accountable.
    As for him, right-thinking patriots should reform his thinking, or else he should just disappear.

  9. I hope the bill for the cost of his education at USMA was stapled to the discharge certificate.

    I also wonder how many good troopers this shitheel ruined. Even the best SGM can only do so much to offset the effects of a shitty officer; there’s not enough SGM Plumleys these days.

  10. The POS scored a multi 100’ thousand dollar education courtesy of the American taxpayer and walks……could he not have been deployed as the Detachment Commander (of one) to Yemen or aome other really desireable post?
    ….Yea, fragging would have suited him.

  11. When this story first broke, his sponsoring Congress Critter was someone no longer in office or was getting ready to leave office.
    It was a friend or connection of his daddy.
    I’m all in favor of giving this scumbag a decade or two in Fort Leavenworth.

  12. So … which Congressman got him his appointment?
    Or did the Army do it itself?

    Poor sap will learn that “Discretion is the better part of Valor” and that a good little Communist apparatchik can do much more harm INSIDE than OUTSIDE.
    (see: Bradley Manning, Bernie Sanders, John Kerry, John McCain, HR Clinton, B Hussein Obola, &c.)

    izlamo delenda est …


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